UUCP@vu-vlsi.UUCP (04/14/87)
TimeShare Version 1.0 Documentation Hardware required: - Trs-80 Model 4 with 128K Software required: - TimeShare Version 1.0 - Newdos/80 Version 2.0 Limitations: - No moving windows - No autobooting - No updates - Newdos/80 compatibility (With Version 1.0 only) - Plus some others Abilities: - Running two programs at the SAME time. - Uses only 512 bytes of user memory. - Plus many others Notes about Version 1.0 and 2.0 =============================== TimeShare Version 2.0 will support both Newdos/80 V2.0 and LDOS 5.X.X. Many of the features are contained in the title screen of the program. Some notes you should know about are: 1. Doing PRINT CHR$(0)+CHR$(X) where X is between 0 and 31 will print out the characters that are normally only able to be poked to the screen. 2. Doing PRINT CHR$(3) toggles normal scroll and wrap around scroll. (Try it and you will see what I mean.) If you have any questions about this program and its features, Please leave mail to the GEnie ID: DFINKELSTEIN If you wish to order Version 2.0 of TimeShare, send a check or money order payable to David Finkelstein for $49.95 to: David Finkelstein c/o C & D Programming 11 Heyward Street Brentwood, New York 11717