[comp.sys.tandy] FIXING TRSDOS 1.3

UUCP@vu-vlsi.UUCP (06/18/87)

Why all the interest in pumping up TRSDOS 1.3??  Come ON people, LDOS 5.3,
a REAL OS for the Model III is only about $50, complete!  You don't know
what you are missing!!  If you are serious about moving to DS or 80tk
drives, GET LDOS!  Even TANDY got the logic of this; LDOS was their
'Hard Disk Operating System'.

                    ---- George Madison

'Your logic is impeccable, Captain; we are in grave danger.'
BITNET: 7gmadiso@pomona
UUCP:   psuvax1!pomona.bitnet!7gmadiso
ARPA:   7gmadiso%pomona@wiscvm.wisc.edu