wchao@topaz.rutgers.edu (William Chao) (10/28/87)

I am reposting this article from comp.os.cpm for Scott since he
does not have access to this board.... Any inquiries should be
directed to him

William Chao

From @wiscvm.wisc.edu:MSRS003@ECNCDC.BITNET Tue Oct 27 19:01:09 1987
Received: by topaz.rutgers.edu (5.54/1.14) 
	id AA09333; Tue, 27 Oct 87 19:00:42 EST
Message-Id: <8710280000.AA09333@topaz.rutgers.edu>
Received: from ECNCDC.BITNET by wiscvm.wisc.edu ; Tue, 27 Oct 87 18:08:34 CDT
Date:     Tue 27 Oct 1987 17:00 CDT
From: Scott McBurney <MSRS003%ECNCDC.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu>
Subject:  trslink and trstimes info
To: <wchao@topaz.rutgers.edu>
Status: R


With 80-Micro's defection to MS-DOS, the TRS-80 world will be left without a
meaningful channel of communication.
To rectify this and, hopefully extend the life of our Model 3's and 4's, a new
publication 'TRSTimes' will be issued on January 1, 1988.

TRSTimes will be issued bi-monthly.
It will be in newsletter format, and there WILL be 6 issues, and a new issue
WILL be ready January, March, May, July, September and November.

If there is enough interest and support (and I haven't gone broke), I will
commit myself to an additional 6 issues for 1989. That decision will be
published in either the July or September issue.

TRSTimes will be devoted to the Model 3 & 4 users. There will be a mix of
type-in Basic and Assembly Language programs, Reviews, Hints & tips, a BBS
column, tutorials, letters (if we receive any) and more.

The program listings will be hard-core TRS-80 specific stuff. For example,
issue no. 1 begins a three-part series on PEEKS and POKES for the Model 4.
The programs will range from simple to complex, from games to utilities.

The BBS column will be written by 'the Guru of Sysops', Tim Sewell.
Tim is the Sysop on the nationwide GENIE, which has the largest TRS-80 section
in the country. Now, who could be better.

Paul Vest, schoolteacher and TRS-80 enthusiast, will write reviews and
tutorials on programs that have not received their proper attention in the, now
defunct, magazines.

I will write Basic and Assembly Language programs and tutorials that,
hopefully, will capture your imagination.

The plan was for issue no. 1 to consist of 8 pages, however, it now appears
that it will be much closer to 20 pages.

Although we have suitable material for 6 issues, in order to provide a more
balanced newsletter (and maybe even get some sleep), we would much prefer to
have the TRS-80 community get involved.
In other words, we want your comments, suggestions, articles and programs.

As this will be, at best, a break-even venture, we cannot promise renumeration
for any material submitted. However, you just may feel better knowing you have
done something to help extend the life of our friend, the TRS-80.

Subscription price for the 6 issues of 1988 will be: $15.00

Single issue price for 1988 will be: $3.00

Make checks payable to: LANCE WOLSTRUP - TRSTimes

Mailing address:
20311 Sherman Way #221
Canoga Park, Ca. 91311

Hope to hear from you out there


                 PROPOSAL FOR A "TRS-LINK"

The end of 80-Micro as we know it (and, very likely, the end of
80-Micro, period) was announced this month. As a final joke, E.
Maloney asks you to buy yet another issue so that you can read
his farewell. That leaves Model I/III/4 users without a monthly
link to admit their existence.

But it does not have to be that way. By now, if you have not
trashed your Model I/III/4, it means either that you are very
devoted to its performance, or that you have decided to keep it
until it dies; judging by their performance it could be a long
time from now. So the enthusiasm and the machines are there.

There's also a very devoted group of sysops around the country,
managing some excellent BBSs that cater to TRS-80 users.. I am
afraid to name some in the fear of leaving others out.

The people who have written excellent programs and articles for
the pages of 80-Micro are still there. I don't mean the regular
contributors to the magazine: they will have to move to MS-DOS
because they must buy food with their writing. I am referring
to the free-lancers and occasional contributors.

The companies selling software and hardware should welcome an
opportunity to get in touch with posible customers for free.

It seems to me that we have the readers, the distributors, the
advertisers, and the contributors... all that we need is the
magazine. So, here is an idea!!!

Why don't we produce an electronic magazine. Let's select a BBS
to receive contributions, programs, adds, letters, questions...
The sysop would do some minimum editing, create an ARC file and
make it available on a certain day of the month. CIS, GENIE,
and DELPHI could help in the distribution. Users not interested
in communications could get in touch with a sysop and have a
disk mailed for a nominal fee not to exceed $2.00.

I am sure there are many ideas which could be incorporated into
this very basic structure. The problem is to get it started.

What do you think?

I plan to raise this idea at the next GENIE Round-Table Chat,
on Sunday October 18, from 10:00 pm to 11:00 pm (EST). Be there
if you can. Most likely there will be a follow-up discussion on
the next Sunday.

If you cannot make it on the first Sunday, try to make it the
second. If you are not a GENIE subscriber, upload or send your
comments and suggestions to your favorite BBSs.

But, please, do something.


        Luis M. Garcia-Barrio, Sysop of 8/N/1 #4, 215-848-5728


October 19, 1987


The E-MAG is off the ground after today's Round-Table chat at
GENIE. I must say that the idea has received a lot of very
enthusiastic responses and support from the very beginning.


If all goes well, the 1st issue should be ready for downloading
by the middle of November. Plans for its distribution are still
not finished, but you can expect to find it here and at GENIE.
As more sysops join in the project, you can expect more wide


Until users have a chance to select a better BBS to coordinate
the effort, 8/N/1 #4 (215-848-5728) will do it. Please upload
any material you consider suitable for TRS-LINK to 8/N/1 #4.
If you prefer GENIE or CIS, the addresses to which you should
send the material are:

                GENIE  ->  BARRIO
                CIS    ->  73100,1257

What is suitable for TRS-LINK? Right now most anything:

1.- Questions and Answers
2.- Software/Hardware tips
3.- Programs
4.- Hardware projects
5.- Articles on specific TRS-80 subjects
6.- Advertisements related to the TRS-80 computers
7.- TRS-80 Software/Hardware Reviews
8.- Commercial Advertisements
9.- Personal Advertisements related to TRS-80s

For the November issue there're already three topics suggested:

    a) BBSs of interest to TRS-80 users
    b) TRS-80 Computer Groups
    c) Vendors of TRS-80 Software/Hardware

Please send any material related to these topics and help
spread the word.


Use your favorite sofware to prepare the text file and, if at
all posible, save it in pure ASCII format (no printing control
codes imbedded in the file), or leave a note telling the sysop
the word processor you used.

rhealey@umn-d-ub.UUCP (10/29/87)

In article <16027@topaz.rutgers.edu> wchao@topaz.rutgers.edu (William Chao) writes:
>I am reposting this article from comp.os.cpm for Scott since he
>does not have access to this board.... Any inquiries should be
>directed to him
>William Chao

	Check my comp.os.cpm reply for full info but here's the gist of
	my message:

	A third supplier for Model 3/4 info is the Misosys quarterly
	put out 4 times a year by Misosys Inc. Check a recent issue
	of that worthless rag 80-Micro for Misosys' address. There are
	some good technical articles in the quarterly's and some
	interesting discussion. This is an LS-DOS bent quarterly so
	be warned. It is an excellent source of information tho, one
	issue was 1000 x more valueable to me than the past 3 years
	of 80-Micro combined....

	Also, I'm finalizing becoming and internet archive site for
	ALL tandy machines: 1/3/4, coco and clones with a bent
	toward 1/3/4 LS-DOS/LDOS and CP/M. This would be available
	via anonymous ftp to all internet sites. I would also have
	a submittion directory so that other sites could submit
	programs/info that I would sift through, check out, and then
	install. I would NOT be able to provide this service for UUCP
	sites though, sorry.

			-Rob Healey

