(Steve Sackett) (11/07/87)
For sale Tandy 600 laptop: This is an 80C88 (CMOS) based computer weighing less than eight pounds. It comes with 128k of memory, direct connect modem cable, parallel printer cable and the official Tandy service manual. 128K low power CMOS memory, 3.5" floppy disk drive, 80x16 LCD screen, TELCOM communications program (includes XMODEM), MULTIPLAN spread sheet, FILE data base manager of sorts, CALENDAR personal schedualing program, WORD word processing program. TELCOM can autodial from a phonebook data base and run communications scripts which along with a clock based wake up feature allows the computer to be set to automatically download information from a remote host. IE. you can set up the computer to call your favorite data source and download the latest reports while you sleep. The built in modem is a 300 baud Bell 103 compatable which can be direct connected or use an optional accustic coupler. It has a parallel printer port and RS232 serial port. You can use the serial port to connect to an external modem (something which runs faster than 300 baud if you want), or use it to connect into a local host via hard wire. You can even use it to connect to a serial printer, though its use for this is not straight forward. The floppy disk drive stores 400k of data. This machine doesn't run a disk operating system. All applications are in ROM. This is good if you are in a hurry and don't like to wait for a machine to boot from a disk before you can use it. I have had this machine since August, it is in perfect condition. I am selling because I couldn't resist buying another computer. Radio Shack is still selling this machine stripped down for $595.00. With the service manual ($63), direct connect modem cable, printer cable and 96k of add on memory it would cost over $800 new. I will sell for $495. Stephen Sackett 607 277-0014 h 607 255-3480 w