[comp.sys.tandy] 16/6000 MMU to be released

mikes@ncoast.UUCP (Mike Squires) (12/08/87)

According to some sources inside Tandy XENIX 3.02.00 for the 16/6000
contains hooks for a replacement MMU which can support up to 8MB of
physical memory.  The MMU and XENIX 3.2 were announced at the TANGENT
meeting but only XENIX 3.2 has been released.  The existence and 
eventual release were confirmed at the August 3 manager's meeting
(verbally).  In Sept/Oct, however, the MMU seemed to vanish.

I asked the manager of the Honolulu Trade Towers store about the
MMU and he said that it existed and that its release was planned, but
did not give any dates.

There are also references in the XENIX 3.02.00 docs about the XENIX 3.02
Development System.  Since there are also references in the XENIX header
files to 286 hardware features this should probably not be taken too

Mike Squires ..!ncoast!{mikes,peng!sir-alan!mikes} or ..!pitt!sir-alan!mikes
Allegheny College Meadville, PA 16335  814 724 3360 or 814 333 6728 (data)