[comp.sys.tandy] Help wanted with ancient TRS80 Model I

unbent@ecsvax.UUCP (Jay F. Rosenberg) (01/25/88)

     I have just come into possession of a very used TRS80 Model I.  16K 
Level II ROMS, an Expansion Interface with an additional 32K, and a 
26-1160 *single density* minidisk drive.  I'm having some problems with 
the disk drive, and I was hoping someone out there could help.  One 
problem is that I don't have any software.  Specifically, I don't have a 
DOS.  But that's a minor problem.  The major problem is that I can't 
figure out how to hook it up to the Expansion Interface using the cable 
that came with the system.  Details:
     The cable is the standard multi-connector ribbon cable that Tandy 
provides for such things.  There's no problem at the Expansion Interface 
end, but the connector at the *drive* end has no guide pin to guarantee 
correct fit with the edge-card connector in the drive.  Consequently 
there are two ways it can be mated with the drive.  I've tried them 
both.  On the prima facie more plausible way, both the drive motor and 
LED go on and stay on.  So I inverted the connector.  Now the drive 
motor runs for about a second when the computer is powered up (as if it 
were looking for a DOS, all right, and giving up when it didn't find one),
but the LED doesn't come on.  What would settle the question of how to 
mate cable and drive would be the pinout for the drive edge card.  (I 
have the pinout for the Expansion Box edge card.)  Does anyone know what 
it is, top to bottom?  Assuming that the plausible way of mating turns 
out to be the correct way, does anyone know why the motor and LED come 
on and stay on, and what I should do about it?  ANY advice will be 
     Everything else, by the way, is OK -- that is, I can get into 48K 
Level II Basic (for all the good it does me).
     Thanks in advance for any and all help!

JAY ROSENBERG     Dept. of Philosophy     UNC     Chapel Hill, NC   27514
...{decvax,akgua}!mcnc!ecsvax!unbent         ...tucc!tuccvm!ecsvax!unbent  
   unbent@ecsvax.UUCP      unbent@ecsvax.BITNET      unbent@unc.BITNET      

JAY ROSENBERG     Dept. of Philosophy     UNC     Chapel Hill, NC   27514
...{decvax,akgua}!mcnc!ecsvax!unbent         ...tucc!tuccvm!ecsvax!unbent  
   unbent@ecsvax.UUCP      unbent@ecsvax.BITNET      unbent@unc.BITNET      

wcf@psuhcx (Bill Fenner) (01/25/88)

Since the drive motor goes on with the connector the one way, that's the
way you want it.  However, you are probably using the wrong connector.
The motor for all 4 drives goes on when one drive is turned on.  So try
each of the other connectors.  Also, have you got your terminating resistor
in the drive?

   __      _  _      _____   Bill Fenner      wcf @ psuhcx.bitnet
  /  )    // //       /  '                    wcf @ hcx.psu.edu
 /--<  o // //     ,-/-, _  __  __  _  __     ihnp4!psuvax1!psuhcx.bitnet!wcf
/___/_<_</_</_    (_/   </_/ <_/ <_</_/ (_

conklin@eecae.UUCP (Terry Conklin) (01/27/88)

The TRS Model I drive cable, looking back at a set up machine (ie
looking at the expansion interface from the side with the power switch)
goes in such that the right hand side of the connector at the 
expansion interface is the TOP pin when connected to the drive.

Depending on your cable, some Mod I cables wound up having to be twisted
somewhat for EACH drive. Since there was a twist to get the right side
up on each connector, it wound take up a lot of the length of the cable
between drives making for a _real_ tight fit.

If you or anyone has any questions about your Model I that you would
like immediate answers to, I use my Mod I 24 hours a day still (as a
BBS) and you can try catch me at home via <S>peak to Sysop on the BBS.
I don't try to answer all the calls, but usually help out-of-state
callers. If you do call for help, be sure to mention that you heard of
things from Usenet so I know where you're coming from.

There was a time when this offer wouldn't have been safe, but I figure
at this point I might as well do something with all these years of Mod I
experience and help out people.

The Club phone (517) 372-3131   3/12/2400   7-e-1

Terry Conklin

bownesrm@beowulf.UUCP ( Stowaway aboard the Long Shot) (01/28/88)

In article <3247@psuvax1.psu.edu>, wcf@psuhcx (Bill Fenner) writes:
> Since the drive motor goes on with the connector the one way, that's the
> way you want it.  However, you are probably using the wrong connector.
> The motor for all 4 drives goes on when one drive is turned on.  So try
> each of the other connectors.  Also, have you got your terminating resistor
> in the drive?

	Be carefull. If you get the connector on the wrong way (Upside down)
ALL of the drive lights and motors will come on....If I remember correctly,
it is the rearmost connector, though it may be the back one on the side...
It's been soooooo long.

Bob Bownes, aka iii, aka captain comrade bob    | Since I AM my employer,
Function Consulting,	Albany, New York, 12203 | I guess these opinions are
(518)-482-8798 voice (518)-482-9228 (anon uucp) | those of my employer 
 bownesrm@beowulf.uucp				| my houseplants, and my TR-6.

	OS/3D: The nightmare continues!!! Coming through a screen near you,
			REAL SOON NOW!!!!!	(ick, letnI!!!!)

leonard@bucket.UUCP (Leonard Erickson) (01/28/88)

In article <4480@ecsvax.UUCP> unbent@ecsvax.UUCP (Jay F. Rosenberg) writes:
<     I have just come into possession of a very used TRS80 Model I.  16K 
<Level II ROMS, an Expansion Interface with an additional 32K, and a 
<26-1160 *single density* minidisk drive.  I'm having some problems with 
<the disk drive, and I was hoping someone out there could help.  One 
<problem is that I don't have any software.  Specifically, I don't have a 
<DOS.  But that's a minor problem.  The major problem is that I can't 
<figure out how to hook it up to the Expansion Interface using the cable 
<that came with the system.  Details:
<     The cable is the standard multi-connector ribbon cable that Tandy 
<provides for such things.  There's no problem at the Expansion Interface 
<end, but the connector at the *drive* end has no guide pin to guarantee 
<correct fit with the edge-card connector in the drive.  Consequently 
<there are two ways it can be mated with the drive.  I've tried them 
<both.  On the prima facie more plausible way, both the drive motor and 
<LED go on and stay on.  So I inverted the connector.  Now the drive 
<motor runs for about a second when the computer is powered up (as if it 
<were looking for a DOS, all right, and giving up when it didn't find one),
<but the LED doesn't come on.  What would settle the question of how to 
<mate cable and drive would be the pinout for the drive edge card.  (I 
<have the pinout for the Expansion Box edge card.)  Does anyone know what 
<it is, top to bottom?  Assuming that the plausible way of mating turns 
<out to be the correct way, does anyone know why the motor and LED come 
<on and stay on, and what I should do about it?  ANY advice will be 

The connector at the EI end must not have ANY pins pins missing. And the
cable should exit the connector in a downward direction. Assuming this is
the "standard cable", it makes a diifference *which* of the 4 connectors
the drive is plugged into (drive select is accomplished by having ALL the
selects in the drive jumpered, and pulling pins on the connectors on the
cable!) Drive 0 is a specific *connector*, not a specific *drive*.

As for the oreintatiion of the cable on the drive, the drives were intended to
be to the left of the computer... If the LED and motor come on and *stay* on,
you have the connector upside down. Note that originally, the word TOP was
stencilled on the connectors. Also, *all* the drives use the same motor select.
So if any drive spins, they all do. 

Finally, you may still be able to buy TRSDOS 2.3 from Radio Shack for $15 or
so. If not, I can sell it to you along with a LOT of software. (But you have
to buy my  old M1 too! Say $100-200 for the works?)

Leonard Erickson		...!tektronix!reed!percival!bucket!leonard
CIS: [70465,203]
"I used to be a hacker. Now I'm a 'microcomputer specialist'.
You know... I'd rather be a hacker."

wcf@psuhcx (Bill Fenner) (01/29/88)

You want to be REALLY careful that you don't have any disks in the drive
when you try this... I fried my BBS disk by attatching a new drive upside
down... it was no fun at all.  I didn't mention this because I thought
he had only one drive and so he didn't have to worry about it.

   __      _  _      _____   Bill Fenner      wcf @ psuhcx.bitnet
  /  )    // //       /  '                    wcf @ hcx.psu.edu
 /--<  o // //     ,-/-, _  __  __  _  __     ihnp4!psuvax1!psuhcx.bitnet!wcf
/___/_<_</_</_    (_/   </_/ <_/ <_</_/ (_