spectre@cisunx.UUCP (Robert Sillett) (06/11/88)
Does anyone know how to get into the Tandy 1000's 16 color mode from Turbo Pascal or Turbo C? Thanks in advance. -- Robert L. Sillett, Jr. spectre@cisunx University of Pittsburgh spectre@pittvms.BITNET "Don't ask me -- I only work here." ...!pitt!unix!spectre
lbach@uxh.cso.uiuc.edu (06/15/88)
Several months ago, there was an article in PCM with Turbo Pascal routines for accessing and using this mode. It was something like April or May. Sorry I don't have details. Jim (I am in no way affiliated with PCM) --- Jim Loellbach Dept. of Aeronuatical & Astronautical Eng. Univ. of Illinois, Urbana lbach@uicfda.aae.uiuc.edu