[comp.sys.tandy] RS232 disk drives

tedk@ihuxv.ATT.COM (Kekatos) (09/22/88)

In article <590683317.mkb@ROVER.RI.CMU.EDU> Mike.Blackwell@ROVER.RI.CMU.EDU writes:
|I'm looking for a small, simple floppy disk drive for loading code on
|to our mobile robot. A 3.5" drive with an RS232 or 422 interface would
|be perfect. It doesn't have to be fancy - if I could give it a track
|and sector number, and have it spit back the contents (and vis-versa
|for writing), I can take care of any rudimentry 'file system' functions
|we might need. Speed isn't an issue, either (we're not loading a lot of
|I've heard that Radio Shack has something like this for one of their
|portable computers. Does anyone know anything about this (like model
|number)? Is the information available to use it without an RS computer?
|How about any other products that you think might fit the bill?
|		thanks!
|		Mike Blackwell
|		mkb@rover.ri.cmu.edu
|		412-268-8830

Yes, Tandy does have a 3.5 inch drive. It operates from a RS-232 port.
It stores 200k and uses 4 "AA" batteries or AC adapter.
The Tandy number is 26-3806 ($199.95)

There MS-DOS software available to operate the drive from a PC serial
port. The software is available on Compu$erve. 

ked@garnet.berkeley.edu (Earl H. Kinmonth) (09/22/88)

In article <2861@ihuxv.ATT.COM> tedk@ihuxv.UUCP (55624-Kekatos,T.G.) writes:
>In article <590683317.mkb@ROVER.RI.CMU.EDU> Mike.Blackwell@ROVER.RI.CMU.EDU writes:
>|I'm looking for a small, simple floppy disk drive for loading code on
>Yes, Tandy does have a 3.5 inch drive. It operates from a RS-232 port.
>There MS-DOS software available to operate the drive from a PC serial
>port. The software is available on Compu$erve. 

This appears to be the same drive used on Brother electronic
typewriters sold in Japan.  I have one that works off the serial
port on my typewriter, a model never sold in the US.  I'd look to
do something with it, since I generally use the typewriter only
as a [very, very] dumb terminal.

Can you be more specific on the Compu$erve sources.

Earl H. Kinmonth
History Department
University of California, Davis
Davis, California
95616 916-752-1636/0776

INTERNET:   ucdked!cck@ucdavis.edu
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