EWTILENI@pucc.Princeton.EDU (Eric William Tilenius) (10/16/88)
If you own a Tandy Color Computer - nicknamed "CoCo" for short - or use the OS-9 operating system, here's an excellent discussion list for you to join. Below are the list instructions - they do provide information on how to subscribe yourself automatically. If you can't quite figure it out, though, do send me mail. (My SIG is at the bottom of the file.) I'll need to know your full name and one or more EMAIL addresses where I can reach you. CoCo owners - join up today for intelligent, interesting information and discussion! * Large data library of programs and text files as well! Growing each day! - ERIC - (List instruction manual follows) P.S. If you have an account on a BITNET node, that works best for accessing the list, so please use a BITNET address if you have one. *********************************************************************** GUIDE TO THE COCO MAILING LIST --- LAST UPDATED 10/15/88 by Eric W. Tilenius <ewtileni@pucc.Princeton.EDU> ************************************************************************ 1. PURPOSE OF THE LIST: COCO is an electronic mail discussion list that gives people on BITNET and ARPA a chance to discuss anything they wish related to any model of the Tandy Color Computer. Some of the topics discussed on CoCo are: The Tandy Color Computer 3, and CoCo 1 and 2, OS-9 (Level I and Level II), 6809 programming, hardware, software reviews, source code exchange (public domain only), tips, hints, questions, rumors, and more! * The list is run by the LISTSERV program, which also provides a unique DATABASE of CoCo programs and information available to members of the COCO list. These programs may be requested from the file server 24 hours a day, and will be sent to your account. 2. THE LIST: This is an open list, and is not edited. Anything you post will be sent out automatically to everyone subscribed to the list. The list is open to everyone, provided they behave properly. You are encouraged to post often to the list - an active mailing list is more interesting for everyone! 3. HOW TO ACCESS THE LIST: The list is run on a LISTSERV processor running on node PUCC on the BITNET network. The following are different EMAIL addresses that may be used to get to PUCC. In each case, ________ represents the account on PUCC to which you are sending your message. The different accounts will be listed in a moment. ________@pucc.BITNET ________@pucc.Princeton.EDU ________%pucc.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu rutgers!pucc.bitnet!________ rutgers!pucc.princeton.edu!________ The following accounts/userids should be put in the place of the blank for the following occasions: COCO -- This is the list distribution account. Whatever you send to COCO will be posted automatically to everyone one else on the list. Use COCO when replying to a list message, posting information, or asking a question of everyone on the list. LISTSERV -- This is the program that runs the mailing list and file server. LISTSERV accepts commands only, which it will process. Some general LISTSERV commands are listed below to get you started using LISTSERV. EWTILENI -- This is me, the moderator of the list. I'm a real person. :-) Use this account if you have any trouble, want to ask a question about how to use Listserv, wish to send a file to be placed on Listserv (files should not be sent to COCO!), or if you would like your distribution option changed or would like to be signed off the list, but can't quite figure out how to get Listserv to do it automatically. Choose the proper account, replace the ________ above with it, and MAIL to that address. If you're not sure which path to use, try 'em all, or your own versions of the above. For example, to MAIL a letter to everyone on the list telling them what you think of the latest CoCo 3 software package you might type: MAIL COCO@pucc.BITNET And include your message text. From now on, the USERIDs will simply be referred to as _____@PUCC. If you are not on BITNET, you will need to use one of the full addresses listed above, however. Usually, you will be able to Reply to any mail messages you get from the list, and your responses will go back out to everyone on the list. 4. ABOUT LISTSERV: LISTSERV is a program written by Eric Thomas, and serves several major functions: 1) It processes mail sent to COCO and sends it to everyone on the list. 2) It keeps logs of those messages so they can be retrieved later. 3) Commands may be send directly to LISTSERV to do many functions without human intervention. 4) It is a file server, and will send out files and information upon request. As mentioned above, COMMANDS only should be mailed to LISTSERV@PUCC. (BITNET users, note that you can use the interactive TELL LISTSERV AT PUCC msg command, replacing 'msg' with your command, for faster processing.) When you send mail to LISTSERV, each of the lines in the mail body will be treated as a command. Some commands to get you started are: HELP - Sends you a Help Menu REGISTER Your Real Name - Registers your full name (not ID!) SUBSCRIBE COCO Your Real Name - Signs you up to list COCO UNSUBSCRIBE COCO - Removes you from the list REVIEW COCO - Reviews members & status of the list INDEX COCO - Lists all files available to list members INDEX OS9 - Lists all available OS-9 only files INFO ? - Lists LISTSERV information available INFO GEN - General information about LISTSERV INFO FILE - Information about file server functions INFO REFCARD - Reference card of LISTSERV commands SENDME filename filetype COCO - SENDs you the requested file fm INDEX COCO SENDME DACFORTH PACKAGE COCO - Get all the files associated with DACFORTH SENDME CURRENT INFO COCO - More detail on all files currently avail. AFD ADD CURRENT INFO COCO - Send automatic updates whenever the file CURRENT INFO is changed. You can do this for other files as well. You will receive confirmation from LISTSERV for any commands you send. Note that it is not necessary to send LISTSERV your userid or node. It will get that information from the mail header. BITNET users should have no trouble sending MAIL to LISTSERV (just remember - one command per line, and no garbage - this is a program). ARPA and UUCP users should be able to talk to ListServ as well, but if you can't (ie. you've waited for days and no response), and want a file or action to be taken, contact EWTILENI. 5. MORE ABOUT FILE SERVERS... If you do an INDEX COCO command, you will be sent a file of all current files on the COCO system. To get one of these files, send LISTSERV the command: SENDME filename filetype COCO If there is a file with a filetype of $PACKAGE, that means that you can obtain the whole set of files that deal with that subject with one command. For instance, there is currently a FORTH package for the CoCo available called DAC-Forth. To get all the files associated with it, tell LISTSERV: SENDME DACFORTH PACKAGE COCO Note that you do NOT include the "$" when requesting the package. NOTEBOOK files have a listing of all correspondence going through the list. The file COCO NOTEBOOK contains the first two weeks of the list. After that, files are kept in weekly logs, in the following format: COCO LOGyymmW -- where yy is the Year, mm is the Month, and W is a letter for the week (A-E). COCO LOG8801 and COCO LOG8802 are files from all of January and the beginning of February, respectively. After that, weekly format is used. 6. SUBMITTING FILES FOR THE SERVER: Our database of programs is only as good as YOU make it. We need submissions. All submissions should be sent to EWTILENI@PUCC. Preferred format is ASCII, hopefully with line lengths of < 80. For BINARY files and files with line lengths greater than 80, we have developed an encoding system to allow safe file transfer through mailer gateways. Called CUTS, you can request the program by giving LISTSERV@PUCC the command: SENDME CUTS BAS COCO For more information, send the command: SENDME CURRENT INFO COCO If on BITNET, please use the SENDFILE (or equivalent) command to send your text files or programs to EWTILENI. Otherwise, use mail. In either case, please send a note to EWTILENI explaining how the program works, its format, etc. 7. SUMMING IT UP... Enjoy the vast resource of the COCO list, and please help make it grow! We need active contributors to both the list and the file server! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! Also, tell your friends on the network about COCO, and send this file to them if you think they'd be interested! 8. SPECIAL NOTE TO UUCP USERS: The UUCP gateway here is unreliable. If you find you are not getting a response from the list, send me a message with a path, giving a nearby ARPA or BITNET node. (For instance: moss!yoursite!yourname@RUTGERS.EDU - in this case, Rutgers can be used for your articles, and they should get there fine.) 9. SPECIAL NOTE TO BITNET USERS: You can use the interactive TELL LISTSERV AT PUCC to send your commands to LISTSERV, (or MSG LISTSERV AT PUCC, or whatever variant exists on your system), and you also have the option of requesting what FORMAT you want the files in. Any time you send MAIL, you will get the requested file back as a MAIL file, unless you specify options. NETDATA, PUNCH, DISK DUMP, and other formats are available - for more information, give LISTSERV the command INFO FILE or INFO GENERAL or INFO REFCARD. HAPPY COMPUTING! Enjoy the information and people who are on COCO! - ERIC - Eric W. Tilenius | ColorVenture Software | ewtileni@pucc.BITNET Princeton University | 11 Prospect Drive South | ewtileni@pucc.Princeton.EDU 332 Walker Hall | Huntington Sta, NY 11746 | rutgers!pucc.bitnet!ewtileni Princeton, NJ 08544 | 516-424-2298 | princeton!pucc!ewtileni 609-734-4911 | * Sft. for the CoCo 3 * | CIS: 70346,16