[comp.sys.tandy] 8087 math coprocessor

jewett@mcnc.org (Rusty Ford Jewett) (01/07/89)

I am interested in aquiring an 8087 math coprecessor for my Tandy 1000A.
Do I have to buy a coprocessor made specifically for a Tandy (and 
consequently more expensive), or will any standard 8087 coprocessor
work?  Another possible problem might arise from a speed-up board
installed in by computer (I don't remember the name, but it speeds
the computer to 7.4 MHz; as of yet the only incompatability problem
arises when I try to format disks.  I have to switch to 4.77 MHz then.
Every other program or function works fine.)

Also, does anyone know of an inexpensive source for these (new or USED)?

Thanks in advance!!