[comp.sys.tandy] Beowulf Tandy 6000 archives acessable via e-mail

rmb384@leah.Albany.Edu (Robert M. Bownes III) (01/27/89)

	The Model 6000 archives at beowulf are now available via e-mail.
To retrieve one of the files (listed below) just follow the instructions in
the Instructions section. Your requests will be mailed to you automatically
in 60K shar files. Exceptions are the TCPIP .tar and .Z files which may
not make it due to length. If you have trouble, let me know and we can take
care of it by hand.
	Submissions are always welcome.

	Best of luck,
			Bob Bownes

			Index of Snarfable Files

	List last updated:	 Tue Jan 17 23:55:31 EST 1989

Lang/		Lib/		Tcpip/		Util/

cpp-01 		forth02 	forth04 	zmac01 		zmac03 
forth01 	forth03 	scheme-01 	zmac02 


tcpip-01 	tcpip-04 	tcpip-07 	tcpip-10 	userman.doc.Z 
tcpip-02 	tcpip-05 	tcpip-08 	tcpip.tar 
tcpip-03 	tcpip-06 	tcpip-09 	userman.doc 

bool-01 	jobctl.shar	sw-Kermit-01 	sw-Kermit-05 	windows.shar
bool-02 	poll01 		sw-Kermit-02 	sw-Kermit-06 
bool-03 	rolo-01 	sw-Kermit-03 	sw-Kermit-07 
gnulib68k.c	snarf.shar 	sw-Kermit-04 	sw-Kermit-08 

How to use the Program Archive at Beowulf

Bob Bownes (bownesrm@beowulf.uucp) 1/17/89

    An automatic mail forwarder is used to retrieve archived materials
    from the "beowulf" system.  To use it, follow these simple directions.

	1) Send message to "snarf-32k@beowulf.uucp" or "beowulf!snarf-32k" or
	"snarf-6000@beowulf.uucp" or "beowulf!snarf-6000" depending on the 
	archive you want. Snarf-6000 is the Tandy 6000 archives, and snarf-32k
	is the USENET 32k-project archives.

	2) For a Subject, use only the word "snarf"

	3) For the body of the message, use the following commands, each
	   starting in the 1st column:

		snarf index

			This returns an up-to-date index of what files
			are available
		snarf directory <dir>

			This gives a current listing of the files available
			in directory <dir> (i.e, "Games", "Editors", etc.)
		snarf files <file> [<file> ...]

			This command requests selected files be sent by
			return mail to the sender of the message.  All files
			should be specified relative to a directory, and
			wild-card character expansion is allowed.

				snarf files Util/bool* Lang/scheme01

    Requested files / info will be sent using the "From_" header field,
    so this must be syntactically correct (some mailers insert domains
    in this field, which is incorrect!).

    Any problems, questions or comments should be mailed to me.

				Bob Bownes	- 	bownesrm@beowulf.uucp

	Much thanks is due to Tim Northrup @ brspyr1 who wrote the first version
of this and supplied it to me. I converted it for use on systems without
.forward capability and rewrote it in C.
Bob Bownes, Aka Keptin Comrade Dr Bobwrench III	| The opinions herein are not 
bownesrm@beowulf.uucp  (518)-482-8798		| the author's or any group to 
{steinmetz,brspyr1,sun!sunbow}!beowulf!bownesrm	| which he belongs, in fact 
"White Noise Radio, Your request please?"	| he doesn't even exist....