alistair@ubc-bdcvax.UUCP (Alistair Blachford) (03/14/89)
At my place of work we have a program similar to ENTER on our VAX and on our PC's. I wrote this for people using TRS-80's in the field. It works very well, but it sits on 4K of RAM. ENTER uses the status line to advise the user of his/her options at any point -- that's my excuse for the absence of accompanying documentation. I'll point out that prompted, type-checked data entry using a program like this is MUCH faster, and more goof-proof, than is free-form data entry using an editor. Hope it's handy! Alistair 1 ' ENTER is for prompted entry of data, field by field within each 2 ' record (line), on a TRS-80 Model 100/102. It checks input 3 ' according to the data types you define along with the prompts. 4 ' Pass it along to anyone who might want to use it. If you find 5 ' that ENTER saves you time, please consider sending me $5-10 for 6 ' *my* time. Then I'll notify you of any improvements and bug 7 ' fixes. I welcome suggestions and bug-reports, too. Thanks, 8 ' Alistair Blachford 9 ' 4460 West 11th Ave. 10 'Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1W5 11 ' 12 MAXFILES=2 13 DIMSC$(4),RP$(5) 14 SC$(0)="" 15 SC$(1)="0123456789+-" 16 SC$(2)="0123456789+-Ee." 17 PRINTCHR$(27)+CHR$(81); 18 CLS 19 'FORI=80TO95:PRINT@I," Alistair' s ":NEXTI" 20 FORI=194TO178STEP-1:PRINT@I,"ENTER ":NEXTI 21 FORI=1TO200:NEXTI 22 PRINT@178,CHR$(27)+CHR$(112)+"ENTER"; 23 FORI=1TO200:NEXTI 24 PRINT@178,CHR$(27)+CHR$(113)+"ENTER"+CHR$(10) 25 FORI=1TO200:NEXTI 26 PRINTCHR$(27)+CHR$(80); 27 ONKEYGOSUB,,,,,,,68 28 KEY(8)ON 29 ONERRORGOTO69 30 PRINT"prompt file: ";:GOSUB79 31 IFNM%=1THEN30 32 PF$=FN$ 33 IFFF%=1THENGOSUB86 34 OPENFN$FORINPUTAS1 35 PRINT"output file: ";:GOSUB79 36 IFNM%=1THEN35 37 IFFF%=1THEN43 38 PRINT"Output file exists already." 39 PRINT"OK to append to it? (y/n): ";:LINEINPUTYN$ 40 IFYN$="y"ORYN$="Y"THEN42 41 PRINT:PRINT"new ";:GOTO35 42 CLS:PRINT@120,"Appending to '";FN$;"' ..." 43 OPENFN$FORAPPENDAS2:CLS 44 LINEINPUT#1,FS$ 45 LINEINPUT#1,LN$ 46 IFLEFT$(LN$,1)><"#"THENGOTO49 47 SC$(3)=MID$(LN$,2) 48 GOTO45 49 C%=INSTR(LN$,":") 50 P$=MID$(LN$,2,C%-2) 51 YN$=MID$(LN$,C%+1,1) 52 I%=VAL(MID$(LN$,C%+2)) 53 GOSUB142 54 IN$="" 55 IFYN$="R"THENIN$=RP$(I%) 56 PRINTP$+": "+IN$; 57 IFYN$<>"R"THENCS$=SC$(I%) 58 GOSUB170 59 PRINT 60 PRINT#2,IN$; 61 IFEOF(1)GOTO64 62 PRINT#2,FS$; 63 GOTO45 64 PRINT:PRINT#2,"" 65 CLOSE#1 66 OPENPF$FORINPUTAS1 67 GOTO44 68 CLOSE:MENU 69 ' 70 IFERR<>52THEN73 71 FF%=1 72 RESUMENEXT 73 IFERR<>55THEN77 74 NM%=1 75 BEEP:PRINT"badfilename"+CHR$(13)+CHR$(27)+CHR$(65); 76 RESUMENEXT 77 PRINT"OOPS -- Error";ERR;"in line";ERL 78 STOP 79 ' 80 LINEINPUTFN$ 81 FF%=0:NM%=0 82 OPENFN$FORINPUTAS2 83 CLOSE#2 84 RETURN 85 ' 86 PRINT:PRINT"Prompt file '";PF$;"' does not exist." 87 PRINT"Enter substitute name, or just hit" 88 PRINT"<enter>to procede with creation" 89 PRINT"of '";PF$"': ";:LINEINPUTAF$ 90 IFAF$=""GOTO92 91 PF$=AF$:RESUME 92 CLS:PRINTCHR$(239)+" Creating prompt file '";PF$;"' ... "+CHR$(239) 93 OPENPF$FOROUTPUTAS1 94 SL$=" Defaults to<space>" 95 GOSUB161:PRINT 96 PRINT"field separator: ";:LINEINPUTF$ 97 F$=F$+" " 98 PRINT#1,LEFT$(F$,1) 99 N%=1:RN%=0 100 SL$=" enter . as prompt to end" 101 GOSUB161:PRINT"" 102 PRINT"prompt"+STR$(N%)+": ";:LINEINPUTP$ 103 IFP$="."THENGOTO134 104 SL$="Text Integer Float User-defined Repeat" 105 GOSUB161 106 PRINT"data type (TIFUR): "; 107 YN$="Y":CS$="TtIiFfUuRr" 108 GOSUB170:IFLEN(IN$)<>0THEN110 109 BEEP:GOTO108 110 PRINT:DT$=LEFT$(IN$,1) 111 TS$="":SC$="" 112 IFDT$="T"ORDT$="t"THENTS$="N0" 113 IFDT$="I"ORDT$="i"THENTS$="Y1" 114 IFDT$="F"ORDT$="f"THENTS$="Y2" 115 IFDT$="R"ORDT$="r"THENTS$="R"+MID$(STR$(RN%),2) 116 IFDT$="R"ORDT$="r"THENRN%=RN%+1 117 IFTS$><""THENGOTO132 118 SL$=" Acceptables Unacceptables " 119 GOSUB161 120 PRINT:PRINT"User-defined type. Which characters" 121 PRINT"would you like to specify? (AU): "; 122 YN$="Y":CS$="AaUu" 123 GOSUB170:IFLEN(IN$)=0THEN123 124 IN$=LEFT$(IN$,1) 125 IFIN$="A"ORIN$="a"THENTS$="Y3" 126 IFIN$="U"ORIN$="u"THENTS$="N3" 127 IFTS$="Y3"THENSL$=" Acceptables "ELSESL$=" UNacceptables " 128 GOSUB161 129 PRINT:PRINT"Enter string of characters: "; 130 LINEINPUTSC$ 131 PRINT#1,"#"+SC$ 132 PRINT#1," "+P$+":"+TS$ 133 N%=N%+1:GOTO100 134 CLOSE#1 135 CLS:PRINTCHR$(239)+" Prompt file '";PF$;"' complete "+CHR$(239):PRINT 136 CP%=CSRLIN 137 PRINTCHR$(27)+CHR$(85); 138 PRINT@280,CHR$(27)+CHR$(108); 139 PRINT@CP%*40,""; 140 RETURN 141 ' 142 CP%=CSRLIN 143 PRINTCHR$(27)+CHR$(81); 144 IFYN$<>"R"GOTO146 145 SL$="AUTO-REPEAT "+CHR$(155)+"kills entry":GOTO151 146 ONI%+1GOTO147,148,149,150 147 SL$="TEXT":GOTO151 148 SL$="INTEGER":GOTO151 149 SL$="FLOAT":GOTO151 150 IFYN$="Y"THENSL$="any of:"ELSESL$="none of:" 151 IFINSTR(SL$,"T")=0THENSL$=SL$+SC$(3) 152 PRINTCHR$(27)+CHR$(85); 153 PRINT@280,CHR$(27)+CHR$(108); 154 IFLEN(SL$)<=28THENPRINT@307,CHR$(239);" F8 to quit"; 155 PRINT@280,LEFT$(SL$,40); 156 PRINTCHR$(27)+CHR$(84); 157 PRINTCHR$(27)+CHR$(80); 158 PRINT@CP%*40,""; 159 RETURN 160 ' 161 CP%=CSRLIN 162 PRINTCHR$(27)+CHR$(85); 163 PRINT@280,CHR$(27)+CHR$(108); 164 PRINTCHR$(27)+CHR$(112); 165 PRINT@280,LEFT$(SL$,39); 166 PRINTCHR$(27)+CHR$(113); 167 PRINTCHR$(27)+CHR$(84); 168 PRINT@CP%*40,""; 169 RETURN 170 ' 171 IFYN$="R"THENIN$=RP$(I%)ELSEIN$="" 172 K$=INKEY$:IFK$=""THEN172 173 IFK$<>CHR$(29)THEN179 174 FORXX%=0TOLEN(IN$) 175 PRINTCHR$(27)+CHR$(68); 176 NEXTXX% 177 PRINTCHR$(27)+CHR$(75)+" "; 178 IN$="" 179 IFK$<>CHR$(13)THEN183 180 IFYN$="R"THENRP$(I%)=IN$ 181 PRINTCHR$(27)+CHR$(75); 182 RETURN 183 IFK$<>CHR$(8)THEN188 184 IFLEN(IN$)>0THEN186 185 BEEP:GOTO172 186 IN$=LEFT$(IN$,LEN(IN$)-1) 187 PRINTCHR$(8);:GOTO172 188 IFASC(K$)<32ORASC(K$)>126THEN192 189 IFYN$="Y"ANDINSTR(CS$,K$)>0THEN194 190 IFYN$="N"ANDINSTR(CS$,K$)=0THEN194 191 IFYN$="R"GOTO194 192 IFASC(K$)<>29THENBEEP 193 GOTO172 194 IN$=IN$+K$:PRINTK$;:GOTO172