[comp.sys.tandy] My Personal Experiances with Tandy pt. 3

japplega@csm9a.UUCP (Joe Applegate) (04/26/89)

       		       	The Continuing Saga of
		    My Personal Experiances with Tandy

			Part 3 - Living with the 1000A

Having discovered that the Tandy 1000 that was sold to me as a compatible
was not all that compatible I went on to discover that it was not at ALL

I bought a 20 meg. Miniscribe... Tandy sold their 10 meg drive for $699
and my 20 meg cost me $300... BUT IT WOULDN'T WORK... one of the hackers
in our user group fixed it by cutting traces on the Western Digital
card and burning a Tandy HD ROM for that card!  Heaven help the poor suckers
who had to buy Tandy cause they didn't know a hardware hacker!  At least this
was fixable....

But when I bought a Midi card there was no hope... it did not work and no one
knew how to modify it... I stil have an MPU 401 setting in my closet for the
day when I can finally afford a REAL IBM compatible to put it in!!!  For now
I still use my Coco for Midi and have even written a program to convert
OPCODE patches and CAKEWALK sequences TO CasioLib patches and CocoMidi
sequences.... oh well... but one does get tired of having you freinds make
fun of you cause "you bought a Tandy"!

Then I wanted a co-processor... I went down to Quest Electronics and bought
an 8087-3, which is what we used in our IBM's ... but everything that used
double precision reals came up with major errors... I went through 3 chips
and was finally told by Quest that my machine must be broke...  The local
Radio Shack Computer Center told me that I had to use Tandy's 8087 because
they were higher quality (???)... since I knew that the drives were the
cheapest Teac makes I had my doubts about this BUT.. I finally ordered their
co-processor FOR $239 (the IBM 8087 cost only $105!) and when it came the
only difference was that it was CMOS... I tried to return it since I could
get the same chip at Quest for $130 but no returns were allowed on "special

Needless to say at this point I was incensed... when a user came to our user
group with the same type of experiances that had bought several Tandy's
for his business I encouraged him to write his experiances in a letter
to PC magazine and warn others about Tandy computers!  He did and it
was published...

When Christmas came I started going to Radio Shacks and talking customers
out of buying 1000's... I used to go talk them into Coco's mind you!

We started a BBS for Tandy users, unable to get support from Tandy... and
our user group grew to over 200, mostly disgruntled Tandy customers!

Several of the wierdest experiances with Tandy came as a result of my
dealings with their personnel... once while in a Computer Center they tried
to kick me out because I told a customer that the reason the Memory Plus
board they sold him didn't work in his 1000 TX was that the 1000 TX already
had a memory plus board in it!  And all he needed was new chips and moved
jumpers... the salesjerk who'd been with Tandy several years said I didn't 
know what I was talking about and refused to honor their 30 day return

Another time, we were adding an 80 station lab on campus and I went to
several vendors to get quotes on 286 machines... I went to Tandy and
talked to a salesmen I'd known for several years... when I asked for
Hercules cards in a 3000 he did not know what a Hercules card was????
Then he said, "we're new at the PC business"... of course Tandy had
been selling PC clones (or so they claimed they were) for 4 years!!!
Tandy was UNABLE to match our hardware specs... 286 w/ coprocessor,
Hercules Graphics, 20 meg HD, Ethernet cards... they gave us a quote
for systems without Ethernet and with EGA... and their quote was higher
than ALL other quotes! (by far more than the cost of EGA I might add!)

My final dealing with Tandy occured when they asked us to evaluate the
4000... the machine had a drive cable that was so short it kept popping
off everytime we opened the case and even when we moved it!  It had
1 meg of memory that required a Tandy specific EMM... with or without
that driver... Autocad and Personal Consultant both sensed the menory
but were unable to access it... and both aborted!  Typical Tandy engineering!

I for one will never buy another Tandy computer.... and I will and do
encourage anyone who comes to me to avoid Tandy computers like the plague...
As our Tandy rep once told my boss, "You need to do something about
Joe, he is anti-Tandy"... to which my boss replied "After his experiances
he has a right to be"

Joe Applegate
Pres. Colorado Color Computer club
Pres. Denver Metro MSDOS Users Group
PC Coordinator - Colorado School of Mines Computing Center

pak@meccsd.MECC.MN.ORG (Patricia A. Korn) (04/27/89)

I have also owned and loved Cocos for years, but most of R.S.'s
periferals are indeed junk, particulary the printers, as you point
out. Except I rather liked their CGP-220 ink jet, which they, of
course, discontinued seeing as how it was (and still is) the best
supported color printer for the Coco. Anyway, I was just going to
comment about their repair service. Sometimes they do O.K. and I have
generally got stuff back from them that works in a reasonable amount
of time.  But sometimes, you wonder who they have working for them -
my brother bought a Coco 3 which did not work properly and took it to
Shack for repair.  He thought they had fixed it, and not having used
it much, sold it to a guy in our users group.  The computer had severe
overheating problems and after an hour or less would not work at all.
He put a heat sink on the CPU which caused it to work somewhat, but it
was still rather flaky. Then someone in our users group looked at it
and discovered that Tandy had installed the Coco 2 version of the CPU!
Wouldn't you think that the dealer could at least put the right brain
into the thing?
