(==== SEDS-UNM ====) (06/02/89)
Hello everyone. We recently found an old Tandy 2000 in the local military salvage yard. Unfortunately, it didn't come with manuals, software, or anything to help us figure out how to use it. My questions are: 1. How does one get copies of Tandy 2000 DOS and BASIC? Would the local Radio Shack hold on to this stuff? 2. What are the CM-1 Color monitor and RGB pinouts? The monitor jack has 8 pins while the RGB port on the back of the Tandy 2000 has a 9-pin connector. (No, the computer didn't come with the monitor cable. *sigh*) Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated. Please e-mail if this topic has been covered before...I don't want to bore everyone to tears. Thanks for the bandwidth... Ollie _______________________ ____________________________ SEDS-UNM : Students for the Exploration and Development of Space Box 92 Student Union, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 (505) 277-4845