[comp.sys.tandy] Model IV serial port

wcf@psuhcx.psu.edu (Bill Fenner) (09/14/89)

Anyone have an old Model III or IV serial port expansion that they're willing
to sell?  I just inherited a Model IV with 2 floppy drives, and I'd like to
be able to use it as a terminal.

   Bitnet: wcf@psuhcx.bitnet     Bill Fenner       | aaaaaaaaa
  Internet: wcf@hcx.psu.edu                        |            r
 UUCP: {gatech,rutgers}!psuvax1!psuhcx!wcf         |              g
Fido: Sysop at 1:129/87 (814/238 9633) \hogbbs!wcf |               h