[comp.sys.tandy] Model 16, DWII Problems

wordproc@ucf-cs.UCF.EDU (wordproc) (11/30/89)

I have a Model 16 with the two Thinline 1.2MB 8" drives.

One night recently, both drives began scoring the diskettes, literally
scraping the media down to the clear plastic base!  Drive 1 finally quit
doing it and returned to normal function, but Drive 0 is still doing this.

Why is this happening and what can I do about it, short of having Radio
Shack repair it ($$) ?

I did use some long Q-tips to gently rub the heads, but there didn't seem
to be any beneficial effect (except that Drive 1 now works).
Would the drive head assembly be at fault and need replacing?

Any of these parts *have* to come from Radio Shack?

I also have a Daisy Wheel II printer that is printing slightly strangely.
It cannot seem to keep the columns straight.  For example, if I have it
print a chart of figures (tabbed columns of figures), the the left margin may
be straight down the paper but the next column of figures will be slightly
crooked down the paper.  

As another example, I printed the infamous "Snoopy" picture (the BASIC program
that prints a large picture of Snoopy composed of letters and characters with
"Verdammt dich, rot Baron!" in large (composition) letters underneath.  The 
picture was close, but didn't match the screen, and the letters at the bottom
became increasingly unreadable towards the right side of the paper.  The
printer basically doesn't seem to be able to control its pitch, I suppose.

I could imagine the head belt slipping, perhaps, or something similar.

Any ideas before I have to let Radio Shack loose on it?  THANKS!

                                            _________             /
              Marcus Clenney   ___    ___  /___  ___/ ________   / 
      U. of Central Florida   /   |  /   |    / /    / ______/  /
 Dept. of Computer Science   / /| | / /| |   / /    / /        /
       Orlando, FL  32816   / / | |/ / | |  / /    / /_____   /
 wordproc@ucf-cs.ucf.edu   /_/  |___/  |_| /_/    /_______/  /