[comp.sys.tandy] Inherited DMP-400 printer, no manual, need switch settings

mbeck@wheaties.ai.mit.edu (Mark Becker) (12/15/89)

Hello * -

I've been given a DMP-400.  I plug my PC's printer cable into it and
things seem to work well.. except for the following:

	* The printer double spaces.  Apparently seeing a CR causes
	  the printer to CR and LF.

	* Does the DMP-400 understand the horizontal tab (^I)
	  character?  I seem to be getting an "X" with a short line
	  over and under it.

There are eight switches on the rear panel for which I have no


	Information on the rear panel switches.

	Is there a manual available for this printer?  The local Radio
	Shack says they can't help me.

	What is the 5-pin DIN connector on the rear panel used for?

Save net bandwidth.  E-mail direct.  Your help IS appreciated.

Mark Becker