[comp.sys.tandy] Tandy 2000 CM-1 Monitor AfterLife ??

davep@beav.UUCP (Dave Pifer) (01/12/90)

As one of the few soles to have purchased the ill-fated Tandy 2000, I
now face an upgrade decision.  The 2k has served well, but I now have
the need for a true compatible at home.  I'm probably looking at a 
nice mundane AT-clone.  I'd rather have VGA graphics but I then
started to wonder ....

Does anybody know if the Tandy CM-1 color monitor can be used,
modified or otherwise pressed into service in a clone??  The
monitor was quite nice for its time and would seem quite capable
of EGA I would think.  But, I don't know enough of the EGA spec,
or for that matter the CM-1 (I have the hardware books somewhere
in the attic, I think) to tell for sure.

If anyone could provide further details or pointers I'd greatly
appreciate it.


	Dave Pifer
	{allegra, bellcore, cadre, idis, psuvax1}!pitt!darth!beav!davep

robert@hemingway.WEITEK.COM (Robert Plamondon) (01/14/90)

In article <1@beav.UUCP> davep@beav.UUCP (Dave Pifer) writes:
>Does anybody know if the Tandy CM-1 color monitor can be used,
>modified or otherwise pressed into service in a clone??  The
>monitor was quite nice for its time and would seem quite capable
>of EGA I would think.  But, I don't know enough of the EGA spec,
>or for that matter the CM-1 (I have the hardware books somewhere
>in the attic, I think) to tell for sure.

Tandy made an EGA card, the 25-4037, which works fine with a CM-1.
They have been discontinued for some time, but the Computer Centers
have all sorts of interesting stuff kicking around, and (in my region
at least) all the stores have a central inventory list.  I bought my
EGA card for $55.00.  It's a 256k, 16 color EGA card.

	-- Robert
    Robert Plamondon
    "No Toon can resist the old 'Shave and a Hair-Cut'"