[comp.sys.tandy] INFO ON Tandy PTC-64 Print Buffer needed

jdm1@eds1.UUCP (Jon McCown) (02/06/90)

I inherited a PTC-64 Print Buffer, sans documentation and power supply and
haven't the foggiest whether it functions or not.

Has anyone owned/abused one of these who can tell me the power supply voltage
and if there are any other interesting facts? 

Interestingly enough it has a Z-80 and some other fun things on board-- 
a schematic would be fun.

any help would be greatly appreciated.

J.D. McCown
FAX: (717)783-8106  

             J.D. McCown - RCSG Director - Senate of Pennsylvania  
psuvax1!eds1!jdm1    (this space intentionally     "Your life or your lupins!" 
jdm1@eds1.eds.com      filled with this text)                   - Dennis Moore

garylee@shasta.scl.cwru.edu (Gary Lee) (02/07/90)

In article <429@eds1.UUCP> jdm1@eds1.UUCP (Jon McCown) writes:
>I inherited a PTC-64 Print Buffer, sans documentation and power supply and
>haven't the foggiest whether it functions or not.
>Has anyone owned/abused one of these who can tell me the power supply voltage
>and if there are any other interesting facts? 
>Interestingly enough it has a Z-80 and some other fun things on board-- 
>a schematic would be fun.
>any help would be greatly appreciated.
>J.D. McCown
>FAX: (717)783-8106  
>             J.D. McCown - RCSG Director - Senate of Pennsylvania  
>psuvax1!eds1!jdm1    (this space intentionally     "Your life or your lupins!" 
>jdm1@eds1.eds.com      filled with this text)                   - Dennis Moore

You might try to get everything you need from Tandy's National Parts Warehouse
@ 1-800-442-2425. They have a computer record of what parts are available for
most anything they have built recently.



deanr@sco.COM (Dean Reece) (02/08/90)

In article <429@eds1.UUCP> jdm1@eds1.UUCP (Jon McCown) writes:
>I inherited a PTC-64 Print Buffer, sans documentation and power supply and
>haven't the foggiest whether it functions or not.
>Has anyone owned/abused one of these who can tell me the power supply voltage
>and if there are any other interesting facts? 
>Interestingly enough it has a Z-80 and some other fun things on board-- 
>a schematic would be fun.
>any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have a Xerox(tm) of the original docs (A Mod 12 I set up for a company years
ago needed a buffer, and I had access to the Xerox(tm) machine, so...)

If you want me to mail them to you (about 60 pages I think), let me know.  If
you just want a few specs, send specific questions.  As for the power supply,
I don't remember, but I'll look it up tonight when I get home.  All I remember
about it is that you've got a Z-80 with about 64K RAM, and I think you can
download programs to it using some silly protocol.  That way you can run an
Intellegent print buffer (ie, you send it the formatting program, followed
by the data for several printouts, and it does the formatting and printing)
| Dean Reece     Member Technical Staff |"The flames are all long gone |
| The Santa Cruz Operation 408/458-1422 | but the pain lingers on"     |