[comp.sys.tandy] A homemade 1400LT hard-drive . . . ?

rkcain@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu (03/10/90)

Hello all . . .

I have a tandy 1400LT laptop -- I am considering building an interface of sorts 
 so that I can connect a standard IbmPc 20 meg hard drive(w/ controller -- 
 a Seagate 20meg XT kit perhaps) to this computer.  This seems much more 
 economical than the purchasing of an internal or external hard drive made
 specifically for the computer ($700-$1200 vs. $250-$300).  Besides, for
 $700 I could practically buy a completely new system.  The 1400LT has a 
 built in 'expansion bus' which was meant (according to the tech ref manual)
 to be used to connect to an Expansion Box.  The Expansion Box doesn't exist
 I don't beleive; probably due to its limited market.  Anyway, this bus
 has all the standard PC lines except the power ones (LAPTOP).  I would
 like to build a one slot expansion box that will house the Seagate 
 controller, 20 meg drive and power supply.  The box will be connected to
 the 1400LT through a 50 pin connector that I will mount on the computers
 back panel (there is room).  Rather than build all the buffers normally
 associated with expansion boxes I am planning on just connecting all the lines
 directly and keeping the cable short (4-10 inches) to cut down on the cable
 capacitance and radio interference.  My question is this ----
        Will the HD controller work with this computer or is there
        some BIOS, . .(whatever) problem I am forgetting?

Thanks in advance for any comments.

Rodney Cain, Systems Analysis -- Miami University     RKCAIN@MIAVX1 -- Bitnet
 "Our theories are but dancing shadows on the hard wall of reality."
                                      -Louis L'amour