[comp.sys.tandy] Running CoCo and Model I software on MS-DOS

jeffv@kean.ucs.mun.ca (Jeff Vavasour) (03/26/90)

No, the subject is not a mistake.  Would anyone be interested in being 
able to run CoCo software on a Tandy 1000 or other varieties of MS-DOS 

I've developed an emulator which runs the TRS-80 Model I (not CoCo) 
Level II ROMs on an MS-DOS computer, plus it emulates printer, 32 
column mode, disk access, etc.  (Disks require conversion, but I've 
successfully transfered NEWDOS/80.)  This package was not developed 
for market, just a personal project.  (I don't think Apparat, Microsoft,
or Tandy would be very happy if I tried to market it.  In addition to 
my emulator it includes a lot of their software/firmware.)

The point is, I was looking over the specs of the CoCo memory map and 
tech manuals and I think the same thing could be done for the CoCo I 
and II.  So, if there was a significant interest, maybe I could 
develop an emulator for CoCo users wanting to upgrade to PCs but not 
lose their old software.  (Warning!  It won't be able to use 
cassettes, or cartridges but could use Enhanced Disk Basic.  It would 
also run 5 to 10 times slower.)

Of course, I'd have to get Tandy's blessing for this, but first I'd like
to know if there is an interest in such a product.


      /__ __ __                *****************************************
     //_ /_ /_                 * Bitnet: "jeffv@gollum.physics.mun.ca" *
  __//_ /  /   VAVASOUR        *      or "jeffv@kean.ucs.mun.ca"       *
"It's 5:50 A.M.  Do you know where your stack pointer is?"