I too have a friend that has a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model III. And like may before him he does not have the necessay documentation. The missing docs is the system documentation and the instructions for a wordprocessing program called Alwright (sp). The local Radio Shack store was not too helpful so any ideas or assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Richard Richard J. Towle University of Western Ontario, London, Canada I may be crazy, but I'm not insane. CDN: RICHY@uwovax.UWO.CA BITNET: RICHY@uwovax.BITNET (Harold Tomlinson) (06/02/90)
Intertan won't tell you this, but, they can ICST the book from another store. The Ditrict Manager should be able to locate the store closest to you that has it and, if you are willing to pay the price, they will currier it from one store to another. Store 05-5324 in Newmarket, Ontario still has at least one complete copy of TRS-DOS 6.whatever-the-last-number-was. -- ========================================================================== Disclaimer: What you think my opinion is may not even be my opinion. It is in fact only what my opinion is in your opinion. ========================================================================== |\/~\/~\/| Harold Tomlinson | | | | Academic Computing Services | | York University \__ __/ 4700 Keele St., North York (Toronto) '||` Ontario, Canada. M3J 1P3 || ========================================================================== Backup: The duplicate copy of crucial data that no one bothered to make. ==========================================================================
nealstep@yunexus.UUCP (Neal Stephenson) (06/04/90)
Radio Shack only carried ALLRIGHT as a order in only software package. I don't belive any but the most outgoing store would have ordered a copy. You can always ask the store nearest you to check with regional office if they can locate a copy. I think the catalog number was something like 90-XXXX, its been a while. I don't believe the company is still around that produced the program. I could get you the address if you want, send me E-MAIL. Neal NEALSTEP@NEXUS.YORKU.CA