[comp.sys.tandy] Help: Did RS rip me off??

joefritz@pawl11.pawl.rpi.edu (Jochen M. Fritz) (06/16/90)

A few weeks ago, I purchaced 4 RAM chips for my Tandy 1000 TX,  It 
is a 128k ram expansion ment to allow me to run Turbo C++.  So, I 
go to my local Radio Shack, plunk down $50, and walk away with 4 chips.
When I come home, I opened my computer, inserted the memory, removed a jumper
ant the power switch.  The computer REJECTED it's upgrade.  I then did a
bit of investigating.  The chips had two less pins than the sockets they go
in.  Fine, thought I, and inserted the chips into the sockets with the notch
(ie pin 1) lined up, and the far two holes in the socket unused. (Note: This
was how I originally inserted the chips).  Another thing I realized was that
*NONE* of the numbers matched (between the RAM on the motherboard and the 
upgrade.  (see below for diagrams of the chips).  I have moved back to campus
since I bought the chips, so I am not able to hassle RS.  (I did call them,
and they told me I cannot bring the chips back because they did not install 
    questions:    Are the two chips compatible or did I get ripped off?
                  Are the chips I bought bad, or just wrong?
                  If they are bad, How can I test them (there are four)?

descriptions:   The ones I bought:
                      | KM 41256 AP-12      |
                      |    939M Korea       |
                      -----------------------     (both have the same number of
                                                   pins, just the sickets are
                                                   different sizes)

                The ones I have:  (on the motherboard)
                       | 8739B USA   (U.S Flag)|
                       | (mu)T12595-15         |
                note : (U.S Flag) , and (mu) means a picture of a flag, and the
                           Greek letter mu, not the words in ().

Any help would be really appreciated.   Thank you.

| Jochen Fritz            | For though we live in the world, we do not |
| joefritz@pawl.rpi.edu   | wage war as the world does.-- 2 Cor. 10:3  |      
| usergk2s@rpitsmts.bitnet| You have heard it said, Love your neighbor |
| Noah [the peace monger] | and hate your enemy.  But I tell you: Love |
|                         | your enemies.  Matt. 5:43-44               |