[comp.sys.tandy] adding hard drive

newlin@ecn.purdue.edu (Johnny N.) (06/29/90)

I have a tandy 1000TX with a 20M hard disk card.  I would like to either
upgrade to a 40M hard drive or just add another hard drive.  Preferably
the second choice with the second hard drive being a 40M drive.  My problem
is that I have no idea what kind of drive(s) are compatible with this
machine and what would be the best for working with this machine.  I
am mainly doing programming work with Turbo C++, which is very dependant
on the hard drive for virtual memory.  So I guess I need a fast hard drive
but how fast is what I need to know.  Along with some reliabe brand names.

My second question is: 
	Is it possible to expand the memory on one of these babies.
	And if yes, then how.

Please send e-mail if you have an anwer to either of these questions.


thanks in advance.
|  People don't fail because they intend to, | Johnny N. |
|  they fail to do what they intended.	     |		 |