[comp.sys.tandy] *** FLOPPY DRIVE FOR RADIO SHACK 100 ANYONE?? ***

gcw20877@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (George Wang) (09/13/90)

Hi! To those who've replied to my original request of a model
100 or 102, a big thanks! I ended up getting a model 102 for
an excellent price...

Now I am looking for someone who is interested in selling
a floppy drive unit only.. Any kind 5.25" one with the original
Radio Shack Video/Floppy interface or the DPP-1 or DPP-2 3.5"
units are fine... I think I'm gonna to do most of storage/transfers
via a MSDOS machine through a null modem cable but if I can
get a floppy drive for a low price I would like to do that also...

Finally, I heard that the original radio shack interface is extremely
difficult to work with.... Is this true??

PS If anyone else is interested in trading programs please let me know...
A friend down here is going to start up a very nifty FTP file server
for the model 100 so we're trying to build up the collection...
George Wang
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
(217) 332-4019
INTERNET: gcw20877@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu
UUCP: gargoyle!igloo!gwang