[comp.sys.tandy] Help installing hard disk card in 1000SX

dwight@iwarpk0.intel.com (Dwight McDuffee) (01/15/91)

This is posted for a friend. Please reply directly to him or to the


I volunteered to help a friend install a Tandy 20M Hard Disk Card
(Cat. No. 25-1029) into his 1000SX. I haven't worked on a Tandy computer
since my TRS-80 days, so when I had some trouble, I thought I'd come
to all of you experts for advice. 

Anyway, I have the installation manual for the hard disk card, and
everything installs as described. But when I run the "install" program
they've provided, it gives me the following error message during
low-level format (LLFORMAT):

  Error--Condition Code 80

Now, this isn't too descriptive for an error message, so I started
poking around a bit myself. I made sure the disk was spinning up by
powering the system up with the cover off. Everything sounds fine. I
verified the board jumper settings described in the installation manual,
and they look correct. I tried doing the low-level format using DOS's
"debug" program, and executing the format routine in ROM. Interestingly,
that operation produced the same error message.

Does anyone have a reference book that might tell me what this error
message means? From this description, can you tell if I've done anything
wrong. Have I forgotten something? 

Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated. Please email me
if you need further information. Please respond either to me directly,
or post to the newsgroup.

Thank you for your help.

Duane Lundsten