(Andre Molyneux) (02/15/91)
A while ago I requested information on whether or not a third-party hard disk could be added to a Tandy 1000TX. I heard from several people saying that they had seen this done, so yesterday I bought a 40MB hard drive and controller. I installed the drive and powered up the system. After booting off of the floppy in the A drive I tried to access the hard drive and got a "invalid drive" message. This happens with both format and chkdsk. Is it possible that the BIOS in the machine doesn't support a C drive? If so, anyone know how I can remedy the problem? Please e-mail responses as I don't get a chance to read the net that often. Once I've got the problem solved I'll post the solution so hopefully the next person who tries this won't end up in the same boat. Thanks, +---------------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ | Andre Molyneux KA7WVV |*** GENERIC DISCLAIMER ***| +---------------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ | -=-------- PYRAMID TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION |All the usual disclaimers | | ---===------ 1295 Charleston Road |apply although, as far as | | -----=====---- Mountain View, California 94043 |I can tell, my employer | |-------=======-- (415) 965-7200 |doesn't care what I think!| +---------------------------------------------------+--------------------------+