swood@vela.acs.oakland.edu ( EVENSONG) (05/31/91)
I happened to notice today that the older tandy machines are on sale for
real low prices. While I know what the TX 1000 and the HX 1000 are (both
going for 199.00) I am not quite aware what the 1400 is other than that it
is a laptop. The current going price on them is supposed to be $299.00.
Are they worthy? Are they big? What comes with them, and what can they do?
I am mainly looking for a computer no smarter than an 8088 with no better
than an ega 320x200 screen, about a half meg, and a ds/dd drive, that can run
on batteries. Is this thing close?
---- Insert favorite .signature here ---- | swood@argo.acs.oakland.edu
| swood@vela.acs.oakland.edu
Bitnet: swood@Oakland | swood@unix.secs.oakland.edu
UUCP: ...!uunet!umich!{vela, argo, unix, nucleus}!swood