[net.wanted] Survey: Internet Gateways

chip@dartvax.UUCP (Brig ) (04/03/84)

I'm making a survey of known internet gateways--sites which are on
two or more networks, and which let you connect terminals or send
mail between the nets.

For example, you can use Telenet to connect terminals to Dartmouth's
Kiewit network, and thence to any of its host computers.  You can
send mail via Usenet to Arpanet if you know a proper gateway.  I
would like to form the closure of these networks--ie, to find
what's connected to what, by whatever obscure intermediate links.

European network gateways are particularly appreciated, though even
gates to local networks are welcome.  Gates between major nets,
such as Arpa, Telenet, Tymnet, the US Mail Ecom net, MCI, and so
forth, are also especially welcome.

I'll distribute my results to anyone who contributes.

      Brig Elliott        ..decvax!dartvax!chip

james@umcp-cs.UUCP (04/05/84)

	I think you'll find the information has been organized
very well by the Network Information Center.  The complete host
table (with gateway entries) may be obtained via anonymous FTP from


ron@brl-vgr.ARPA (Ron Natalie <ron>) (04/05/84)

I would suspect that you don't want to know about all the gateways
with in the TCP/IP internet.  You can get these buy looking at a
host table, and there are a bunch of them, and you don't need to know
what they are, it's all done automagically.
