[comp.sys.hp] DIL is MUCH BETTER!!!

jeffh@weycord.WEYCO.COM (05/26/88)

During the pst 3+ years I've tried to use the s300 in the
HP-UX environment for realtime device I/O applications.
I've had my fair share of problems!!

Well, I had a chance to "step back" and look at the improvements
and bug fixes in the device I/O library. The s300 has become
a solid I/O box. THANKS DREW!!

We still need more O/S hooks- like vertual to real memory address
routines, real realtime interrupts, Faster I/O cards and low level
interface card control. But, we've come a long way!

The s300 has become a fair I/O box in the HP-UX environment.
Now for the s800...

Jeff ( the guy that wants DIL ) Harrell