seghers@hpccc.HP.COM (David Seghers) (07/26/88)
/ hpccc:comp.sys.hp / dan@Apple.COM (Dan Allen) / 5:38 pm Jul 21, 1988 / I am conducting a simple poll: how many people like the quality of a) the folding case b) the LCD display found in the HP-28 and Business Consultant machines? I have found the folding case to be extremely difficult to use on any surface other than a desk, and even then it feels "crummy" and never lays flat. The plastic hinge is terrible. The LCD is no better. Yes it is nice to have four lines of display finally, but it seems that I am constantly adjusting the contrast. The HP-15 series of calculators have a nice large LCD display that is readable anywhere, and they are easily used in a car, plane, train, or other portable environment. I hope HP does not get rid of the 15 Series, but the handwriting is on the wall. HP-12Cs will be a collector's item when they are discontinued. Dan Allen Owner currently of an HP-80, HP-75C, HP-71B, HP-67, HP-28S, HP-28C, HP-25, 2 HP-16Cs, an HP-15C, and an HP-12C. ----------
seghers@hpccc.HP.COM (David Seghers) (07/26/88)
/ hpccc:comp.sys.hp / seghers@hpccc.HP.COM (David Seghers) / 11:13 am Jul 25, 1988 / / hpccc:comp.sys.hp / dan@Apple.COM (Dan Allen) / 5:38 pm Jul 21, 1988 / I am conducting a simple poll: how many people like the quality of a) the folding case b) the LCD display found in the HP-28 and Business Consultant machines? I have found the folding case to be extremely difficult to use on any surface other than a desk, and even then it feels "crummy" and never lays flat. The plastic hinge is terrible. The LCD is no better. Yes it is nice to have four lines of display finally, but it seems that I am constantly adjusting the contrast. The HP-15 series of calculators have a nice large LCD display that is readable anywhere, and they are easily used in a car, plane, train, or other portable environment. I hope HP does not get rid of the 15 Series, but the handwriting is on the wall. HP-12Cs will be a collector's item when they are discontinued. Dan Allen Owner currently of an HP-80, HP-75C, HP-71B, HP-67, HP-28S, HP-28C, HP-25, 2 HP-16Cs, an HP-15C, and an HP-12C. ---------- I like the folding case on the Business Consultant, and mine lays flat. Do the cases on these tend to warp? I don't like the quality of the LCD. It really should be angled towards the user. Other than this, I really like the calculator, especially the (heresy, I know) non-reverse Polish entry! ----------