[comp.sys.hp] HP-28S Quick Reference Guide

nungeste@hpspkla.HP.COM (Dick L. Nungester) (08/27/88)

As I read the Owner's Manual and Reference Manual for the 28S, I took the
following notes.  Hope you find them useful:

HP-28S Quick Reference Guide, 08/26/88 by Dick Nungester

Menus (27 total, listed by access, then functionality)
  - Shift on left keypad:   17 (ARRAY...TEST, CATALOG and UNITS)
  - Shift on right keypad:   4 (MODE, LOGS, PLOT, CUSTOM)
  - Key on right keypad:     4 (<cursor>, TRIG, SOLV, USER)
  - Nested in other menus:   2 (FORM in ALGEBRA, SOLVR in SOLV)

  - Menus of commands:      20 (ALGEBRA...TRIG; Owner's Manual p.193 & App. D)
  - Menus of operations:     4 (<cursor>, CATALOG, UNITS, FORM)
  - Menus of variables:      2 (SOLVR, USER)
  - User-defined menu:       1 (CUSTOM)

  - SYMBOLIC differentiation (of practically anything)
    - All-at-once: 'TAN(X^2+1)' 'X' d/dx >>> <derivative>
    - Step-by-step: 'dX(TAN(X^2+1))' EVAL EVAL ...
  - SYMBOLIC integration (of Taylor approximations to any function)
    - 'COS(X)' 'X' 2 <integrate> >>> '<2+1 degree polynomial answer>'
  - NUMERIC integration (of practically anything)
      - explicit: (0.001 is desired % accuracy; 0.002 is +/- absolute error)
        - 'SIN(X)' { X 0 <pi> } 0.001 <integrate> >>> 2.000 0.002
      - implicit:
        - << SIN >> { 0 <pi> } 0.001 <integrate> >>> 2.000 0.002 
  - TAYLR (Taylor approximations to any function)
    - 'COS(X)' 'X' 4 TAYLR >>> '< 4th degree Taylor polynomial>'

  - INS digitizes a point.
  - DEL puts a string conversion of the display on the stack (like LCD->).
  - <cursor menu> held down displays the current cursor coordinates.
  - PPAR = { Pmin Pmax independent_variable resolution Paxes }
  - Plotting an equation instead of an expression plots both sides.

SOLV menu (In QUAD and ISOL, s<n> = +/- 1; n<n> = 0, +/- 1, +/- 2, ...)
  - QUAD (Take the 2nd order Taylor approximation, then solve the quadratic.)
    - 'COS(X)' 'X' QUAD >>> '-(s1*1.414)'
    - 'A*X^2+B*X+C' 'X' QUAD >>> '(-B+s1*<root>(B^2-4*A*C))/(2*A)'
      - (Use FORM's COLCT on two "extra" divides to get the above form.)
  - ISOL (isolate the first occurance of '<var>')
    - 'A*(X+3)-B=C' 'X' ISOL >>> '(C+B)/A-3'
    - Always tends toward x axis: + local mins or - local maxs can be found.
    - To use: STEQ; SOLVR; values to knowns, guess to unknown; shift, unknown.
      - Guess to unknown: number (duplicated and perturbed to 2) or {lo_end
        hi_end} (region search will begin in) or {best_guess lo_end hi_end}.
        Any can be complex (digitized points) and only real part is used.
      - During solving, ATTN interrupts to see progress, leaving a 3-number
        list on the stack to resume by "<unknown> (list to var), <shift>, 
        <unknown> (continue solving)".  Any other key shows algorithm settle.
      - Zero (exact), Sign Reversal (bracketed), Extremum (zero f'(x)).
  - ROOT is just the command form of SOLVR ("1" below is a guess at 'X')
    - 'SIN(X)=COS(X)' 'X' 1 ROOT >>> 0.785 (RAD mode)

Unit conversions
  - 1 "kg*m/s^2" "dyn" CONVERT >>> 100000 "dyn"
    - only 1 "/" in compound units

Programs (lower case are clauses)
  - Decision
    - IF test THEN true END (IFT); IF test THEN true ELSE else END (IFTE)
  - Error Trap
    - IFERR trap THEN error END; IFERR trap THEN error ELSE normal END
  - Definite Loop
    - start finish START loop NEXT; start finish START loop step STEP;
      start finish FOR name loop NEXT; start finish FOR name loop step STEP
  - Indefinite Loop
    - DO loop UNTIL test END; WHILE test REPEAT loop END

Reserved variable names
  - EQ (SOLVR and plots); PPAR (plots); <sigma>PAR, <sigma>DAT (stats);
    s<n> (ISOL and QUAD); n<n> (ISOL); der... (user-defined derivatives)

Four classifications of operations (ambiguous terms in the manuals)
  - Operations
      - Non-programmable (INS, PREV, ENTER, ON, ...) or "Operation"
      - Commands
        - RPN (SWAP, DROP, LAST, RCL, PURGE, ...) or "Command"
        - Functions
          - Non-Analytic (ABS, IP, MAX, %CH, ...) or "Function"
          - Analytic (SIN, EXP, INV, LN, +, =, ...) or "Analytic Function"

Entry Modes
  - Immediate (numbers, lists, arrays; open box cursor) 
  - Algebraic (names and algebraics; striped box cursor)
  - Alpha (strings and programs; solid box cursor)

System Operations
  - Print display:           ON L
  - Contrast Control:        ON + or ON -
  - Attention:               ON
  - System Halt:             ON <up>
  - Memory Reset:            ON INS <right>
  - Repeating Test:          ON <left>
  - Keyboard Test:           ON NEXT
  - Cancel System Operation: ON DEL

  - PUT: <array or list> index element PUT >>> <new array or list>
  - GET: <array or list> index GET >>> element
  - PUTI: <array or list> index element PUTI >>> <new array or list> <index+1>
  - GETI: <array or list> index GETI >>> <array or list> <index+1> element
  - FORM menu (in ALGEBRA): ENTER returns to main FORM menu.
  - Flags 1-30 general use, 31-64 calculator modes.
  - Binary integers are unsigned -- base (b, o, d, h) effects display only.
  - Symbolic constants MINR, MAXR, e, pi, i.
  - Type-ahead buffer of 15 keys.

Jake-S@cup.portal.com (08/29/88)

Just to add a note... The HPX Exchange, V1N4 (1988) contains its own HP28
Q.R.G. which is sized to be cut out and fit into the upper half of the inner
case, over top the ALPHA keys. It contains:
   1. Character Table
   2. Flag descriptions
   3. Menus and numbers for MENU function
   4. Error message table
   5. Object type list
   6. Printer Escape seuences
   7. Clock SYSEVAL entry points

The HPX (Handheld Program Exchange) is a club which supports HP Handhelds and
publishes the HPX Exchange, a 32-page per issue newsletter.  They can be reach
at 312-884-0099. Address is P.O. Box 4160 Des Plaines, Ill. Membership is $25.
per year.  They also just made available the proceedings from the recently
held International Conference on Handheld Computing, which took place in
Corvallis, Oregon and was attended by many of the companies involved in 
production of handhelds, including HP, Corvallis Micro Technology and Firmware

            Jake Schwartz