[comp.sys.hp] slow Turbo SRX graphics ??

marco@hpuamsa.UUCP (Marco Lesmeister) (09/20/88)

We here in the HP office in Amstelveen, Holland were asked to do a graphics
benchmark for a customer. The benchmark contained a couple of little programs
made for a silicon graphics machine. The first benchmark is a program that
draws a line from the middle of the screen, 128 pixels long. This line is
being rotated 3600 times by 1/10 degree, so an almost filled up circle appears.
The source for the silicon graphics machine follows:

$include /usr/include/fgl.h
                call ginit
                call viewpo(0,1023,0,767)
                call ortho2(0.,1023.,0.,767.)
                call cursof
                call color(0)
                call clear
                call linewi(1)
                call color(7)
                call transl(511.,384.,0.)
                do 10 i=1,3600
                        call rotate(1,'z')
                        call move2i(0,0)
                        call draw2i(128,0)
          10    continue
                call gexit

We made a look-alike program in fortran (that was the question) with star-
base. This program contains a few subroutines to deal with the rotations
and translations, because starbase has no routines to do rotations of objects
(lines in this case) as far as I know of. This is the program we wrote:

  include '/usr/include/starbase.f1.h'
  program b1
  include '/usr/include/starbase.f2.h'
  integer *4 fildes
  integer *4 cill
  integer *4 arg1(64),arg2(64)
  fildes=gopen('/dev/crt'//char(0), OUTDEV, 'hp98731'//char(0), INIT)
  arg1(1)= FALSE
  call gescape(fildes,SWITCH_SEMAPHORE,arg1,arg2)
  call vdc_extent(fildes,0.,0.,0.,1279.,1023.,0.)
  call view_port(fildes,0.,0.,1023.,767.)
  call translate2d(fildes,384.,511.)
  angle=(2. * PI)/3600.
  do 10 i=i,3600
    call rotate2d(fildes,angle,3)
    call move2d(fildes,0.,0.)
    call draw2d(fildes,128.,0.)
    call make_picture_current(fildes)
10  continue

subroutine identity2d(M)
  real M(2,3)

subroutine translate2d(fildes,x,y)
  integer *4 fildes
  real M(2,3)
  real x
  real y
  call identity2d(M)
  M(2,3) = y
  call view_matrix2d(fildes,M,PRE_CONCAT_VW)

subroutine rotate2d(fildes,angle,axis)
  integer *4 fildes
  integer *4 axis
  real angle
  real M(2,3)
  call identity2d(M)
  M(1,1) = cos(angle)
  M(2,1) = -sin(angle)
  M(1,2) = -M(2,1)
  M(2,2) = M(1,1)
  call view_matrix2d(fildes,M,PRE_CONCAT_VW)

The problem is, that our 9000/835 Turbo SRX runs slower than then the
machine (silicon grapghics) the customer currently has, and which they
want to replace, because it is to slow. But according to the data-sheets
the performance of the Turbo SRX should not be this bad. Since this is a
very urgent question for us, and a very important one to, I want to ask you
if you have got any idea on how this poor performance is possible.
Maybe it is due to my programming skills, but then it might be something else.


Marco Lesmeister, AE, HP Holland