[comp.sys.hp] Asynchronous IO on pipes in HP-UX

eik@os.is (Einar Kjartansson) (12/11/88)


I have an application which consists of a filter
( stdin and stdout are pipes ) that buffers the data,
that is it fill a buffer from input when intput data is available
and writes from the buffer when the output is available.
The HP-UX "Real Time Programming Manual" discusses three ways
this could be done.

A	use of fstat O_NDELAY to do nonblocking io.
B	use of ioctl FIOSNBIO -- --- -- -- -- --
C	use of select system call to wait until either
		stderr or stdout is ready.

The first is a system V feature, and appearas to work as advertised, the
other two are BSD featureks and do not work for output to pipes. 
( select always returns true for pipe output on unit 1 and
setting FIONSBIO make no difference for pipe output)

Use of A or B implies polling, which requires some
method for sleeping a few tens of milliseconds. The simplest
and apparently the only reliable method uses the select call with timeout.

The problem with method A is there is no way to tell, without blocking,
when end of file is reached on the input. 

Does anyone know wether HP intends to fix this or correct the
manuals ?

Or is there a way to get FISNBIO and select to work without 
blocing for pipe output ?

It is a huge waste to time to have to test every single feature
before using it (none of the documentation can be trusted ).

  Einar Kjartansson                           | eik@os.is
  Orkustofnun (National Energy Authority)     | eik@geysir.uucp
  Grensasvegi 9, IS-108 Reykjavik, Iceland    | mcvax!hafro!geysir!eik
  Phone: 354-1-83600    Fax: 354-1-688896    Home: 354-1-16407