[comp.sys.hp] Here's a function key set up program ANOTHER ONE AVAILABLE

mark@cogent.UUCP (Captain Neptune) (01/21/89)

In article <17744@vax5.CIT.CORNELL.EDU> cnsy@vax5.cit.cornell.edu (Eric Haines) writes:
>Function Key Setup Script
>I thought I would pass this on.  It's a script I wrote to set up the function
>keys (f1-f8) on my terminal.  It works on HP-UX systems, and is attached
>below in a shar file (it has a number of control characters, hence the
>packing).  I've found this function set up to be my most useful mix for
>working in HP-UX.

I wrote and posted (long ago) a program called 'fnkey' which allows you
to set up function keys on HP terminals.  It differs from the above in
that you can have many different function key set-ups saved in
definition files, a virtual function-key-library.  If there is interest
in reposting, then some folks should let me know by email (but do it
soon! I'm moving to a new job at the end of January!)
Mark Steven Jeghers                               "No reward for resistance,
Cogent Software Solutions                          no assistance,
...pacbell!cogent!mark                             no applause..."
...uunet!lll-winken!cogent!mark                                   Neil Peart