[comp.sys.hp] HP 9000/835 running X11 and HP-UX 3.01

mike@cisunx.UUCP (Mike Elliot) (03/29/89)

We have an HP 9000/835 running 3.01 HP-UX and HP's latest release of X11. We
have written software which runs fine on Sun's (with MIT's version of X11,
R2 and R3), a Tektronix 4319 running their version of X11 R2, an Apollo
DN3000 (with MIT's version of X11, R2 and R3), a MicroVAX II (with MIT's version
of X11, R2 and R3), and an HP 9000/360 running 6.2 HP-UX and HP's latest release
of X11. Our software needs the Athena Widgets library and since HP's X11 
doesn't supply them, we built it (and the X toolkit library) from X11 R3
sources from MIT.

This works fine on the HP 360, but if we set our DISPLAY to unix:0 this
sometimes causes our programs on the 835 to hang. They run fine if we
rlogin from another machine or if we set the DISPLAY to `hostname`:0. The
routine it hangs in is XWaitForWriteable.

Has anyone else seen such a problem? Is this a bug in HP's code? Could the
addition of MIT's libraries be causing such a subtle problem? Any work
arounds or ideas? Any comments from the folks at HP?

			Mike Elliot

	My employer never agrees with anything I say.

aad@stpstn.UUCP (Anthony A. Datri) (03/29/89)

In article <17119@cisunx.UUCP> mike@cisunx.UUCP (Mike  Elliot) writes:

>This works fine on the HP 360, but if we set our DISPLAY to unix:0 this
>sometimes causes our programs on the 835 to hang. They run fine if we
>rlogin from another machine or if we set the DISPLAY to `hostname`:0. The

As I understand it, something about HP-UX makes unix-domain connections
(unix:0) not work.  If you look at MIT's util/imake.includes/hpux.macros,
you'll see that they only define tcp/ip connections (hostname:0).

@disclaimer(Any concepts or opinions above are entirely mine, not those of my
	    employer, my GIGI, my VT05, or my 11/34)
beak is@>beak is not
Anthony A. Datri @SysAdmin(Stepstone Corporation) aad@stepstone.com stpstn!aad

bruce@hpihoah.HP.COM (Bruce LaVigne) (03/30/89)

> This works fine on the HP 360, but if we set our DISPLAY to unix:0 this
> sometimes causes our programs on the 835 to hang. They run fine if we
> rlogin from another machine or if we set the DISPLAY to `hostname`:0. The
> routine it hangs in is XWaitForWriteable.
> Has anyone else seen such a problem? Is this a bug in HP's code? Could the
> addition of MIT's libraries be causing such a subtle problem? Any work
> arounds or ideas? Any comments from the folks at HP?

You might try "local:0" instead of unix:0, or as you said, use `hostname`:0.

harry@hpcvlx.HP.COM (Harry Phinney) (03/30/89)

> We have an HP 9000/835 running 3.01 HP-UX and HP's latest release of X11. We
> have written software which runs fine on ...

> This works fine on the HP 360, but if we set our DISPLAY to unix:0 this
> sometimes causes our programs on the 835 to hang. 

I haven't seen any particular problem with using UNIX operating system
domain sockets on an 835.  Could you send me a stack trace?  Are you
using our libX11.a, or one compiled from the MIT distribution? 

> Has anyone else seen such a problem? Is this a bug in HP's code? Could the
> addition of MIT's libraries be causing such a subtle problem?
>			Mike Elliot

I'd be _very_ surprised if the problem could be caused by using R3
toolkit and widget libraries.  Does your application have any signal
handlers, and if so do any of them do any X-related operations?

Harry Phinney

jim@expo.lcs.mit.edu (Jim Fulton) (03/31/89)

> Has anyone else seen such a problem? Is this a bug in HP's code? Could the
> addition of MIT's libraries be causing such a subtle problem?

MIT's UNIX domain sockets assume that you are not sharing /tmp among machines.
HP's product version used to (and may still) append the host name to the socket
name so that it would be unique on such shared filesystems. 

Look in /tmp for directories named something like .X11-unix* on your product
software and fix your MIT Xlib to match.

							Jim Fulton
							MIT X Consortium