(Arne Lundberg) (04/06/89)
Does anyone know anything about the availability of PHIGS or PEX on HP9000/s800 computers. Has HP any plans to come out with a product based on either PHIGS or PEX or maybe both? HP has a graphics library named Starbase some people seems to indicate that this indeed is more or less compatible with PHIGS. Is this true? Thanks in advance. -- Arne Lundberg, ESTEC/YCV, The Netherlands arne@esatst.UUCp ALUNDBER@ESTEC.BITNET (Georges Grinstein) (04/07/89)
subject: 1989 IFIP WG 5.10 INTERNATIONAL WORKING CONFERENCE ======================================================================= Please pass this annnoucement along to additional interested people. To obtain more information and a registration form, just reply to this message, or to one of the other addresses in the announcement. ======================================================================== IFIP CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT 1989 IFIP WG 5.10 INTERNATIONAL WORKING CONFERENCE ON WORKSTATIONS FOR EXPERIMENTATION JULY 27 to 29, 1989 Organized by IFIP WG 5.10 Hosted by The University of Lowell PROGRAM: The purpose of the conference is to provide an international forum for the exchange of technical information on workstations used for experimentation. The conference format will consist of conference paper presentations and workshops. Workshops can be classified as tutorial, informational or for the purposes of producing output documents. Papers from all nations are being solicited on the following topics, but are not limited to these: Models of Workstation Environments Experimental Visualization Workstations or Environments Auditory Workstations Multi-media Workstations Integrated Scientific Workstations Integrated Graphics and Imaging Environments Supermini Workstations Application Workstations Interactive Super-Computing International Standards and Profiles Interconnection and Networking User Interface Models and Designs Information Object Standards for Interchange Distributed Environments Graphical Issues Systems Issues Issues in Perception Human Factors Deadlines to either program chairs: Submissions - June 1, 1989 Camera Ready - July 15, 1989 Attendees will receive a PREPRINT of the Conference Papers and copies of Workshop Position Papers. After the conference, all contributions will be published as Conference Proceedings with an international publisher. PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Bergeron, Encarnacao, ten Hagen, Hopgood, Kochan, Kromker, Kuijk, Magalhaes, Mantyla, Mehl, Moltedo, Pickett, Reinfelds, Scheifler, Woodworth. PROGRAM CHAIRS: Jose Encarnacao (FRG) Georges Grinstein (USA) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Georges Grinstein (USA) - General Chair John Hurtado (USA) - U Lowell Conference Coordinator CONFERENCE REGISTRATION : For information on submittals and registration forms, please contact chairs via one of the netmail or postal addresses below, or by phone. Registration will be available at the Conference. The registration fee is set at $250. A processing fee of $50 will be charged on written cancellations received before 25 June 1989. After that date, the full fee will be retained. No refund will be made for people who have paid but do not attend. However, the workshop postion papers and a preprint of the conference papers will be mailed to them. HOTEL INFORMATION: Lowell Hilton 50 Warren Street Lowell, MA 01852 Telephone: (508) 452-1200 Fax : (508) 453-4674 rates: $82/nite single; $97/nite double 75 Rooms are reserved for attendees. This block of rooms will be held until July 5, 1989. Be sure to say you are attending the "IFIP 5.10 CONFERENCE" to get the Conference Rate and to credit our conference. A guarantee (usually credit card) is required for arrival after 6PM. Because of the National Folk Festival occurring during that weekend, please register early: **************************************************************** * Major other event in Lowell during that weekend: * * * * The National Folk Festival 7/28-7/30 (Fri-Sun) * **************************************************************** Alternate hotel information is available From U Lowell. AIRPORT/AIRLINE INFORMATION: Logan International Airport in Boston is the closest major airport served by all domestic and international airlines. It is managed by the Massachusetts Port Authority (617) 567-2233. For further conference information -- Send requests to: University of Lowell Continuing Education Attention - IFIP Conference One University Avenue Lowell, MA 01854 Phone: 1 - 508 - 454 - 4664 Internet: Bitnet: Boole3005009 Please send submissions to one of the co-chairs: Dr. Georges Grinstein internet: Graphics Research Laboratory phone: 1 - 508 - 452 - 5000 ext 2389 University of Lowell fax: 1 - 508 - 453 - 6586 Lowell, Massachussetts 01854 telex: 710 343 6461 ULCAR LOWE USA Dr. Jose Encarnacao internet: unido!zgdva! Graphische Datenverarbeitung uucp: ...mcvax!unido!zgdva!jle Wilhelminenstrasse 7 phone: +49 - (0)6151 - 1000 - 29 6100 Darmstadt fax: +49 - (0)6151 - 1000 - 99 FRG telex: 4 197 367 agd d Dr. Georges Grinstein Director - Graphics Research Laboratory University of Lowell (508)-452-5000 x2681 Lowell, MA 01854