[comp.sys.hp] Xt distributed w/ HP-UX 6.5

evgabb@sdrc.UUCP (rob gabbard) (05/04/89)

I'm using HP-UX 6.5 w/ X Windows A.01. The Xt documentation descibes the
latest Xt Semantics using the *App* calls w/ application contexts while the
HP X Widgets describes the older kit's XtInitiaize, XtNextEvent, etc. which
are covered in a conversion appendix in the Xt docs.  I tried to use the new
Xt semantics but can't find the include files w/ XtAppContext, etc. defined.
I looked at all the X11/ and Xw/ include files.

Are the HP X Widgets and the Xt docs out of sync ? Why do the Xt docs describe
features I can't use (yet?) ?

Thanks in advance.

Rob Gabbard (uunet!sdrc!crgabb)                 _    /|
Workstation Systems Programmer                  \'o.O'
Structural Dynamics Research Corporation        =(___)=   

markc@hpcvlx.HP.COM (Mark Cook) (05/17/89)

Users of Hewlett-Packards X Windows product shipped with HP/UX 6.5 will find
that the contents of the "Programming with the Xt Intrinsics" manual do not
match the capabilities of the related software.  Due to an oversight in
production, a number of references to the R3 version of the Intrinsics were
included in the HP/UX 6.5 shipment, even though the Xt Intrinsics in that
product are based on R2.

HP is reprinting the Xt Intrinsics manual and producing an errata sheet to
go with the Quick Reference manual (which also contains the errors).  HP
customers which received their copies of HP/UX 6.5 via HP software support
services, will be receiving the corrected documentation by the same means
and need take no action.  HP customers who are not on HP software support
services for HP/UX should contact their local Hewlett-Packard Sales office
for the documentation updates.


Mark F. Cook

User Interface Technical Support
Hewlett-Packard - Corvallis Information Systems
1000 NE Circle Blvd.  Corvallis, OR 97330