[comp.sys.hp] HP Paintjet, Bitstream Fontware, & MS Windows

dkk@cbnewsl.ATT.COM (david.k.kallman) (05/22/89)

There was a nice review of Bitstream Fontware in PC
magazine this week.  Is it possible to use Bitstream
Fontware with Microsoft Windows to generate soft fonts for
use with the HP Paintjet?


Dave Kallman, AT&T, 55 Corporate Drive, Bridgewater, NJ 08807
(201)658-2238, att!vgorda!dkk

P.S.:  Please either post replies or send to att!vgorda!dkk

harald@lemon.ucsb.edu (Ommang, Harald) (05/22/89)

In article <641@cbnewsl.ATT.COM> dkk@cbnewsl.ATT.COM (david.k.kallman) writes:
>There was a nice review of Bitstream Fontware in PC
>magazine this week.  Is it possible to use Bitstream
>Fontware with Microsoft Windows to generate soft fonts for
>use with the HP Paintjet?

I have FONTWARE release 2.03 that I use with my LASERJET II.
Here is the list of printers supported in this version :
C-Itoch 8510
Epson LQ series
Epson MX, RX, LX, FX, EX, JX series
HP Laserjet Plus or compat.
HP Laserjet II or compat.
HP Thinkjet (2225 C-D)
IBM Graphics or Proprinter
NEC P2 or P3
Okidata 92, 93, 192, 193
Star SG-10
Texas Instruments 850 or 855
Toshiba P1351
White-writer HP Laserjet Plus compat
White-write HP Laserjet II or Compat


"Born in the ice-blue waters of the festooned Norwegian coast.."
         - Bertrand Meyer on object-oriented programming
Well, so was Harald Ommang.    harald%cornu@hub.ucsb.edu