[comp.sys.hp] Accelerators

valdi@rhi.hi.is (Thorvaldur Sigurdsson) (07/13/89)

					Reykjavik, ICELAND

I have a HP9000/360 running X11R3 with HP-UX 6.2.

   Does a graphical accel. help the videocard or the CPU or both or
   is it more depented on the manufacturer ? 

   Is a graphical engine (i.e. from Silicon Graphics, Apollo, Pixel)
   equivalent to a HP9000/360 with an accelerator ? If not what
   are the major differences ? 
Thorvaldur Egill Sigurdsson    | Internet: valdi@kerfi.hi.is  
Engineering Research Institute | ...mcvax!hafro!krafla!kerfi.hi.is!valdi
University of ICELAND	       | Phone: 354-1-694699
Hjardarhagi 2-6			
107 Reykjavik, ICELAND