[comp.sys.hp] Need help on assembly code on hp800 and hp300

lee@iris.ucdavis.edu (Peng Lee) (07/28/89)


    I am working a project porting Magic (VLSI CAD tool to 

HP 300 and 800.  Maybe one of the expert on hpux would give

me a hint on how to convert the follow codes to hp 800 or 

hp 300 (HPUX6.5).

Thank you very much.


<< /* sccsid "@(#)whence.s	1.5 MAGIC (Berkeley) 2/8/85" */
<< /*
<<  * Three procedures for managing stack traces.
<<  * Currently used by malloc for leak tracing.
<<  *
<<  * whence --
<<  *	Return the frame pointer of our caller's caller.
<<  *
<<  * nextfp --
<<  *	Given a frame pointer, return the frame pointer to
<<  *	the previous stack frame.
<<  *
<<  * thispc --
<<  *	Given a frame pointer, return the PC from which this
<<  *	frame was called.
<<  */
<< #if	(defined(mc68000) || defined(SUN2)) && !defined(sparc)
<< 	.globl	_whence
<< 	.globl	_nextfp
<< 	.globl	_thispc
<< _whence:
<< 	movl	a6@,a0
<< 	movl	a0@,d0
<< 	rts
<< _nextfp:
<< 	movl	sp@(4),a0
<< 	movl	a0@,d0
<< 	rts
<< _thispc:
<< 	movl	sp@(4),a0
<< 	movl	a0@(4),d0
<< 	rts
<< #endif	(defined(mc68000) || defined(SUN2)) && !defined(sparc)