root@.UUCP (root) (06/29/89)
Does anyone know whether a SCSI interface is available for the HP9000 series 800 systems? Thanks John Alsop
gates@hpfcdc.HP.COM (Bill Gates) (07/01/89)
>Does anyone know whether a SCSI interface is available for the HP9000 series >800 systems? A SCSI interface is not currently available for the 800. This is one of a long list of things being examined for a future release. Bill Gates
irf@kuling.UUCP (Bo Thide') (07/02/89)
In article <5570231@hpfcdc.HP.COM> gates@hpfcdc.HP.COM (Bill Gates) writes: >A SCSI interface is not currently available for the 800. This is one of a >long list of things being examined for a future release. I hope you reach the right decision ... :-). There are many of us waiting for a "standard" disk interface for the 800 series -- and for diskless capability for *all* 800s, not just the NIO ones (815 & its successors). ^ Bo Thide'-------------------------------------------------------------- | | Swedish Institute of Space Physics, S-755 91 Uppsala, Sweden |I| [In Swedish: Institutet f|r RymdFysik, Uppsalaavdelningen (IRFU)] |R| Phone: (+46) 18-403000. Telex: 76036 (IRFUPP S). Fax: (+46) 18-403100 /|F|\ INTERNET: UUCP: ...!uunet!sunic!irfu!bt ~~U~~ -----------------------------------------------------------------sm5dfw
tonyc@hpurvmc.HP.COM ( Tony Cox (SR) ) (07/11/89)
/ hpurvmc:comp.sys.hp / gates@hpfcdc.HP.COM (Bill Gates) / 4:59 pm Jun 30, 1989 / >Does anyone know whether a SCSI interface is available for the HP9000 series >800 systems? A SCSI interface is not currently available for the 800. This is one of a long list of things being examined for a future release. Bill Gates ----------
mah@hpuviea.UUCP (Michael Haberler) (07/16/89)
For those which are in an urgent need for a SCSI interface on the 800, say to connect and Exabyte, there's a company called Herstal which makes HPIB -> SCSI conversion boxes for about US $ 1100. They also sell them as a package with Exabytes, and some optical disks. I might be able to dig out the address if somebody is interested. -michael -- Michael Haberler mah@hpuviea.uucp Hewlett-Packard Austria GmbH, ...mcvax!tuvie!hpuviea!mah Lieblgasse 1 ...hplabs!hpbbn!hpuviea!mah A-1220 Vienna, Austria Tel: (0043) (222) 2500 x412 (9-18 CET) (Roger N. Clark) (07/20/89)
> For those which are in an urgent need for a SCSI interface on the 800, say > to connect and Exabyte, there's a company called Herstal which makes > HPIB -> SCSI conversion boxes for about US $ 1100. They also sell them > as a package with Exabytes, and some optical disks. > I might be able to dig out the address if somebody is interested. I am interested! But what about drivers for the 800? For example, with this box and HP's read/write optical on SCSI, do I need a special driver? Roger N. Clark speclab!rclark
daveh@hpubvwa.HP.COM (Dave Highley) (07/28/89)
There is an scsi interface available from HP. It is a special product and must be order through the AMSO organization.