[comp.sys.hp] LaserJet II: Soft vs Super Hard Fonts

ray@vantage.UUCP (Ray Liere) (08/08/89)

We have a LaserJet II and use soft fonts.

At the time we set up the system, wisdom was that soft fonts were
better than cartridge fonts due to there only being two slots on
the LJ, and so using soft fonts kept one from having to switch
cartridges if you needed to use more than 2 cartridges' worth of fonts ...

We are now in the position of not having enough memory for some items that
we print -- that is, there is not enough memory to hold the needed downloaded

IT SEEMS TO ME that, rather than buying more memory, I would be better off
buying one or two of the "super font cartridges" that have appeared on the
market recently. This would free up LJ memory (and perhaps I would not need
to buy any more of that). It would also free up disk space (where I am
storing the soft fonts -- on the host system).

Most of these super cartridges claim to be 100% compatible with the HP
ones -- just more fonts in each cartridge. So ... if the software I use now
handles HP cartridges, then it seems to me that it should handle the super
cartridges as well.

I suppose there could be differences in quality among the various cartridge
manufacturers (in terms of "how good" the characters "look").

I would sincerely appreciate your comments, experiences, "you are missing
this point", etc.

Thanks very much.

Ray Liere
Vantage Consulting and Research Corporation
voice: (503)657-7294
uucp: uunet!nwnexus!vantage!ray
Internet: vantage!ray@nwnexus.WA.COM