[comp.sys.hp] IO Tech phone number

burzio@mmlai.UUCP (Anthony Burzio) (08/28/89)

Reply to dptc.decnet!srlvx0.srl.ford.com!wehr...

Sorry about having to post here, but return mail keeps bouncing...

>I tried calling this number, (216)439-4093 and got what sounded like a
>modem tone.  I then failed to connect using my modem.  Maybe this
>number is for a FAX machine?

By George, you are right.  The number for IOTech is (216)439-4091.  As you
surmised, the other number is for a FAX machine...  Sorry, bleary eyes
at night and all that.

By the way, all your mail got here.  I didn't know I could be reached
at all those places :-)  Remarkable.

Tony Burzio               * Leaping into the future...
Martin Marietta Labs      *	straight off a cliff :-)
mmlai!burzio@uunet.uu.net *