[comp.sys.hp] speech I/O for HP 9000, series 300, model 340

pb@cl.cam.ac.uk (Piete Brooks) (10/19/89)

Posted on behalf of a non news reader. Please reply by email to


 I've been set the problem of finding speech I/O for 14 HP
workstations (HP 9000, series 300, model 340) and I've got 5 weeks and
counting. The problem is that 340s have only ONE expansion slot and
while I can find separate A/D and D/A cards, ideally I'd like a single
card which does both. Okay, I could fit the 340's with bus expander
cards but the only one I've come across is the HP 98568A and at around
1600 pounds a shot its not something I'd like to buy.  Do people sell
smaller expander cards, ie to expand the one slot in the 340 to two?

The required spec of the A/D and D/A is a single channel of each,
sampling between 10-20 kHz (ie any fixed rate within this range will
do), and with 12/16 bit resolution I've been searching in the UK for a
single card which does both and had no luck; HP UK seem unable to
supply us with such a card and all the other suppliers we've tried
were also unable to help. I'd also be interested to hear from any
companies which sell multi-channel D/A's and likewise A/D's, as we may
be forced to use separate cards installed on different machines, no
matter how tacky the solution.

I'm getting desperate and any prompt replies would be 
greatly appreciated. Please mail replies to


Thanks guys,
              Dave Rainton