[comp.sys.hp] Problem with ME30

POST@rcgl1.eng.ohio-state.edu (Post, Scott) (10/21/89)

I don't know if this is the appropriate place
for this, but here goes:

I'm having a problem getting ME30 running on my
machine.  I've got a 9000/330 running hp-ux 6.5
When trying to run ME30 I get the error:

Point (Coordinate)?
??? Syntax error in command file - line abandoned
Fatal AOS error:
Error in batch job, program aborted

After getting that message, I can still do things
in ME30 but there are no screen menus and the menus
on the tablet don't work.  I can use the tablet to
pick points to define lines, etc... but not to
choose menu commands.

If I sound like I don't know what I'm doing - you're
right!  The machine and software are donated and I'm
learning as I go along.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Scott Post
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Ohio State University