[comp.sys.hp] HP X11 support tape

courtney@cps3xx.UUCP (Jon Courtney) (10/27/89)

  I recently received the HP X11 support tape that contains the MIT
"Athena" widgets and tried to give it a compile.  Unfortunately, they
seem to rely on some Xt function calls which, although listed in the
manual, are not included in the libXt.a that comes with the system.
(E.g. XtOwnSelection, XtDisownSelection, XtGetSelectionValue,
XtErrorMsg, XtDatabase.)  Has anyone had any luck with these?
  The documentation for the tape says that it is unsupported by hp,
but that one can send inquiries to x_supt@hpcvlx .  Our name server
does not know of any "hpcvlx"... can someone give me its address?

										Thanks -  Jon Courtney