[comp.sys.hp] Opps... missed the proper def of the Enter key in the .xmodmaprc

bernie@umbc5.umbc.edu (Bernard J. Duffy) (03/27/90)

To all of those who receive my  .xmodmaprc  file about a month ago :

The .xmodmaprc I sent wasn't perfect in the treatment of the keypad's
enter key.  Most functions of the "tab" in keypad mode were correct for
the EDT editor, but not perfect.  I noticed the error on the "key
definition" sequence (started with the control-K); it wouldn't terminate
the entered command (i.e. enter it).  The line :
keysym KP_Tab       = KP_Enter

was needed to make it behave exactly as the VT*** keypad's  Enter key.
I'll enclose the whole .xmodmaprc file at the end of this message so
no one has to worry about parts / diff files / etc. 

         Sorry about that,  Bernie Duffy

=== cut here   for   .xmodmaprc file  put  xmodmap .xmodmaprc  in .xsession ===
! This .xmodmaprc  assumes that we're running with a clear map (BJD 2/20/90)
! make Backspace into Delete
keysym BackSpace = Delete
! Switch the Control-Left with the Caps_Lock keys' functionality
! 1) remove Caps from "Lock" set  2) remove Control_L from Control set
! 3) make Caps_Lock the new Control_L key (keysym Control_L = Caps_Lock)
! 4) make Control_L the new Caps_Lock key (keysym Caps_lock = Control_L)
! 5) add this new "Caps_Lock" key to the Lock    modifier set
! 6) add this new "Control_L" key to the Control modifier set
remove Lock = Caps_Lock
remove Control = Control_L
keysym Control_L = Caps_Lock
keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L
add Lock = Caps_Lock
add Control = Control_L
! make  F1 and F5  into Escape (ie. hit F1 to send an  <esc> character)
keysym F1 = Escape
keysym F5 = Escape
! Modify the keypad layout to match DEC's VT*** :
!   KP_F1       is "Gold"... set to KP_Multiply (*)
!   KP_F2       is "Help"... set to KP_Divide   (/)
!   KP_F3       is "Find"... set to KP_Plus     (+)
!   KP_F4       is "DelL"... set to KP_Subtract (-)
!   KP_Subtract is "DelW"... set to KP_Enter    (Enter)
!   KP_Enter    is "Enter".. set to KP_Tab      (Tab)  it's in the wrong place
keysym KP_Tab       = KP_Enter
keysym KP_Enter     = KP_Subtract
keysym KP_Multiply  = KP_F1
keysym KP_Divide    = KP_F2
keysym KP_Add       = KP_F3
keysym KP_Subtract  = KP_F4
!=== end of  .xmodmaprc  file ==============

Bernie Duffy   Systems Programmer II | Bitnet    :  BERNIE@UMBC2
Academic Computing - L005e           | Internet  :  BERNIE@UMBC2.UMBC.EDU
Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County   | UUCP      :  ...!uunet!umbc3!bernie
Baltimore, MD  21228   (U.S.A.)      | W: (301) 455-3231  H: (301) 744-2954