[comp.sys.hp] Building GNU emacs 18.55 on an HP 9000/840..

chohan@hpuxa.ircc.ohio-state.edu (Harpal Chohan) (04/10/90)


I'm trying to reinstall GNU emacs 18.55 on an HP9000/840
running HP-UX 7.0; i.e., this time with a '#define X11' in the
config.h file. I have "#include s-hpux.h" and "#include m-hp9000s800.h"
in config.h. The problem I run into is

cc: "process.c", line 2033: error 1527: Incompatible types in cast.
cc: "process.c", line 2036: error 1527: Incompatible types in cast.
cc: "process.c", line 2038: error 1527: Incompatible types in cast.
cc: "process.c", line 2045: error 1527: Incompatible types in cast.
cc: "process.c", line 2045: error 1603: Incompatible operands: & operator.
cc: "process.c", line 2045: error 1563: Expression in if must be scalar.
cc: "process.c", line 2050: error 1527: Incompatible types in cast.

This didn't happen the last time I built 18.55 on this machine. The only
thing different this time is that I'm defining X11 and we  have upgraded to
HPUX 7.0.

Anybody else run into the same problem?


arne@yc.estec.nl (Arne Lundberg) (04/12/90)

In article <975@nisca.ircc.ohio-state.edu> chohan@hpuxa.ircc.ohio-state.edu (Harpal Chohan) writes:
>I'm trying to reinstall GNU emacs 18.55 on an HP9000/840
>running HP-UX 7.0; 
>cc: "process.c", line 2033: error 1527: Incompatible types in cast.
>cc: "process.c", line 2036: error 1527: Incompatible types in cast.
>cc: "process.c", line 2038: error 1527: Incompatible types in cast.
>Anybody else run into the same problem?

Yes, i had the same problems after upgarding to 7.0 on our 835.  Adding
the following lines at the end of m-hp9000s800.h solved it for me.

#include <sys/wait.h>
#define WAITTYPE int
#define WRETCODE(w) (((w) >> 8) & 0377)

Arne Lundberg

European Space Technology Centre, Noordwijk, the Netherlands
arne@yc.estec.nl or ALUNDBER@ESTEC.BITNET
Phone: +31 1719 84865, Fax: +31 1719 12142, Telex: 39098