[net.wanted] Simple Cross Assemblers

dhc@exodus.UUCP (David H. Copp) (05/03/84)

If it really is a small job, for a small machine--writing
your own assembler might be easier than you think.

I once saw an assembler that consisted of little more than
two tables, a reserved word table and a symbol table.

The reserved word table contained the mnemonic names for
the opcodes and the registers, etc..  Each entry
consisted of the pair

	<word>	<bit pattern>

where the bit pattern was one machine word wide, and consisted
of the corresponding op-code, etc., in the right place in the word,
and zeros elsewhere.

The symbol table contained (as I recall) only address symbols
and their definitions (numerical addresses).  This was a teeny
bit complicated--a hash table--but only a teeny bit.
Again, each definition was one machine word wide, with the
address in the appropriate field and zeros elsewhere.

The assembler only did two basic things; make entries in the
address table (whenever a label was encountered), and --

	TA DA ...

generate code, by Boolean-ORing the definitions for all tokens
(except labels and comments) on one line of assembler input!

It implements a primitive assembly language, but it works.
				David H. Copp